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Jan 12th 2022
Advocates for increased immigration often argue that the way to end illegal entry is to change the law to admit everyone who wants to come to the U.S. Problem for them is that U.S. voters want less immigration.
Bc immigration expansionists cannot change law, they argue laws against illegal immigration should be effectively ignored, claiming human smuggling & trafficking would be reduced. They ignore (often deliberately) that cartels control border crossings from Mexico into U.S.
More illegal crossings are occurring because of Biden Admin policies, both at border & in interior. Cartels are raking in $$$ because of these policies. @SecMayorkas knows this & is incentivizing & rewarding cartel smuggling & trafficking operations. @DHSgov #EndTrafficking
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Jul 30th 2021
1/ Today, July 30th, is World Day Against Human Trafficking. After two decades of international efforts to end human trafficking and modern slavery, it remains to be a poorly understood global issue. 🧵 Image
2/ While human trafficking affects almost all countries, HRF’s research has consistently found that authoritarianism is at the structural root of human trafficking.
3/ In the 2021 US Department of States’ Trafficking in Persons report, 89% of the highest-ranking countries in efforts to combat trafficking are democratic, while 100% of the lowest-ranked countries are ruled by authoritarian regimes.
Read 7 tweets
Jan 23rd 2021
Sources against the sex industry: a master thread
How “sex work” affects/harms all women by legitimizing male violence and devaluing sexual abuse 🙃…
Tackling all the pro arguments…
Read 147 tweets
Dec 10th 2020
As a migrant woman survivor of human trafficking, @ToMalaika calls for holistic services and survivor-based approaches when #AssistingTraffickedWomen. "We cannot correctly assist trafficked women if we don't put survivors at the center of integration and assistance services". Image
@MyriaVass "We shouldn't touch the Palermo Protocol nor the @coe Convention. In fact, we need correct implementation of Directives in Europe. We need to complement the current EU framework and criminalise the demand for sexual exploitation #EndDemand, as soon as possible.
Read 20 tweets
Oct 19th 2020
(1) Thread: There's a ready made hashtag that IMO is perfect for this moment in American history:


The trafficking of persons includes but is not limited to sexual assault, let alone prostitution. It's broader than that.

A number of #LawAndOrder issues...
(2) Human trafficking includes the exploitation of peoples' labor, or the violation of their rights wrt crossing international borders and even their right to occupy a home or vehicle in peace.

Child sexual assault is human trafficking, bc they can't consent.
(3) Any sexual activity with a minor is unlawful. They are legally unable to consent. I don't want the age of consent lowered, either.

Some child sexual assault involves only the offender and the victim.

Some of it is part of organized crime, often internationally.
Read 7 tweets
Sep 8th 2020
Glenn & Eva Dubin subpoenaed for their ties to Epstein.
This sick couple participated in the abuse of children, took at least 7 flights on his plane, advocated for the pedo in prison and nearly let Epstein MARRY their young daughter. #LockThemUP…
Epstein reportedly planned on marrying Celina Dubin, who knew Epstein since she was a toddler and called him 'Uncle Jeff'.
Eva, Glenn Dubin and their young children are on Epstein's flight logs dating back to 1997…
Epsteins former butler who provided the 'little black book' of Epstein contacts to police, Alfredo Rodrigez, noted Eva Dubin as "former model and MOTHER OF NAKED PIC"
Epstein likely had CP of one of the Dubin children...
Rodriguez died from mesothelioma in 2015 Image
Read 5 tweets
Aug 24th 2020
Stuart Beck was on the board of directors of Ghislaine Maxwell's fake charity #Terramar and was Palau's Ambassador for Oceans to the UN.

Beck and pedophile Maxwell frequently attended UN gatherings to promote 'sustainable development goals' for oceans
#DefundTheUN ImageImageImage
US State Dept Trafficking in Persons report from 2019 determined Palau is a human trafficking hotspot and that 1/3 of Palau's population (~20,000) are vulnerable to being trafficked for sex or labor. #EndTrafficking…
Wikileaks exposed Hillary Clinton and a #Palau lobbyist negotiating Palau's foreign aid on HRCs private email server. HRC claimed she didnt use the server for foreign dealings. State dept ended up giving Palau $250million in 2010…
Read 6 tweets
Jul 30th 2020
To commemorate the #WorldDayAgainstHumanTrafficking HM @Sadiya_farouq was part of a webinar themed HUMAN TRAFFICKING AND THE COVID 19 PANDEMIC: LEARNING CURVE. Image
The HM commended @naptipnigeria for setting up the event and appreciated the contributions of the panellists, made up of experts and key stakeholders. Image
The effects of #HumanTrafficking are far-reaching and often devastating . When victims are trafficked, they are enslaved, abused physically mentally, and/or made into sex slaves. Image
Read 9 tweets
Jul 30th 2020
This World Day Against Trafficking in Persons, the #FBI joins our partners throughout the world in reaffirming our commitment to rescuing #humantrafficking victims and bringing their perpetrators to justice. #EndTrafficking
We know combating human trafficking requires teamwork, so we have Child Exploitation and Human Trafficking Task Forces in nearly every field office to coordinate labor and sex trafficking cases with state and local partners. #EndTrafficking
The #FBI also relies on tips from the public. If you are a victim of human trafficking or if you have tips about a potential trafficking situation, call the National Human Trafficking Resource Center at 1-888-373-7888. #EndTrafficking
Read 3 tweets
Jul 21st 2020
Hollywood whistleblower warned us in 2018 that exclusive sex club #SNCTM is really a front for a massive child sex trafficking operation servicing the global elite & working with Mexican cartels.

This must be what Barr meant by 'Hollywood clique'… Image
Journalist Alicia Diaz Gonzalez had learned that SNCTM members were working with cartels to smuggle kids from orphanages in Mexico into the US. Alicia was found beaten to death in her Monterrey home in May 2018...
#RIP #BuildTheWall #EndTrafficking… ImageImageImage
Renegade anon dropped a lot of names and goes into much more detail about the 'gay/jewish mafia' in Hollywood. Well worth reading all the posts. Hope he is well, whoever he is.
#UnsealSNCTM #EndTrafficking #Hollywood… ImageImageImageImage
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Jul 12th 2020
Prince Andrew has been heavily involved in the UK's National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children #NSPCC since at least 1999.

Far too often are child abusers involved in the organizations that are supposed to protect children. Prince Andrew is one of those frauds. Image
Ghislaine Maxwell attended a fundraiser for the National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children in 2004.

A serial pedophile gallivanting amongst British elite in the name of child advocacy. Shameful!

#Epstein #Maxwell #Pedogate #NSPCC Image
Jimmy Saville and British PM Margret Thatcher attended a NSPCC fundraiser in 1980. Just how many pedophiles worked with this alleged child advocacy group?? Image
Read 7 tweets
Jun 25th 2020
Nina Balabayeva of Kazakhstan is being honored for her enormous achievement in building the country’s first human trafficking shelter. She has dedicated her life and career to combating trafficking in persons even before there were laws on the books in Kazakhstan. #EndTrafficking
Lieutenant Colonel Karma Rigzin of Bhutan is being honored for her leadership in pioneering Bhutan’s victim-centered specialized national police unit on women and children that led to the first-ever criminal human trafficking case. #EndTrafficking
Ary Varela and Natalino Correia of Cabo Verde are being honored for their pursuit of human trafficking cases within the country. Their leadership and diligence throughout the investigation of Cabo Verde’s first successful forced labor prosecution was essential. #EndTrafficking
Read 9 tweets
Apr 3rd 2020
@bigredwavenow Is there more to Corona than meets the eye, or rather a blind eye? What is the real "invisible enemy" @realDonaldTrump often refers to?
@bigredwavenow @realDonaldTrump If you look further into Q references of Corona to post 2017, Q responds with "BLIND EYES IN THE SKY".
@bigredwavenow @realDonaldTrump Was Q poking the C_A in the eyes?
Read 32 tweets
Mar 29th 2020
Mearan promised dozens of drug addicted women lenient sentences if they agreed to be sex trafficked by him.

He also represented the pill mills in Ohio which led to the opioid crisis that many of these girls were victims of.

This guy is a Grade A SCUMBAG
Mearan trafficked these girls to "former police officers, lawyers, a medical professional, a former high school football star, businessmen and probation officers"
Even a Judge - William Marshall.

This article dives deep into Mearan's evil operation…
"During one nine-month stretch more than 14,000 prescriptions were written."

"To my knowledge they ran the place in accordance with the way they were supposed to," said attorney MIKE MEARAN, of Portsmouth, the seat of Scioto County.

Totally corrupt!…
Read 3 tweets
Mar 26th 2020
Maduro regime was harboring Hezbollah terrorists in Venezuela & helped facilitate their massive drug smuggling/money laundering operation.
Venuzeula was a central distribution hub for narcotics from Latin America.
Great work @TheJusticeDept!…
Erik Prince met with Maduro's VP - who also oversees their intelligence service, in Dec 2019.
Prince had previously floated the idea of using private mercenaries to topple the Maduro regime.
Was Prince providing an ultimatum on behalf on POTUS? 🤔…
Iran laundered BILLIONS through Venezuela to avoid US sanctions.
Hezbollah even established relationships with the SINALOA cartel during meetings in Venezuela! 👀
Read 3 tweets
Feb 12th 2020
Another children's charity with extensive ties to the Epstein network is ARK (Absolute Return for Kids).

ARK hosted extravagant annual fundraisers from 02-12 featuring Ghislaine Maxwell, Bill Clinton, Jacob Rothschild, various royals & MANY others.

ARK was co-founded and chaired by hedgefund manager Arpad(Arki) Busson, who is in listed in Epstein's black book.

ARK runs charter schools in the US & UK, combats HIV in Africa, and runs private orphanages in Eastern Europe.

Great research doc on ARK:…
Some of the ppl who worked w/ ARK or attended their galas:
-Ghislaine Maxwell
-Jacob Rothschild
-Bill Clinton
-Barack Obama
-Bill Gates
-Prince William/Kate
-Mike Bloomberg
-Kevin Spacey
-Tony Blair
-Naomi Campbell
-Sarah Ferguson
-Richard Branson

Read 7 tweets
Jan 31st 2020
#Dyncorp employees accused of sexually abusing 54 children in Columbia from 2003-07, filming the abuse and selling it.
No prosecutions due to diplomatic immunity.
Funded by a $600mill State Dept contract.

#EndTrafficking #HumanTraffickingAwareness…
"DynCorp was involved in a sex slavery scandal in Bosnia in 1999, with its employees accused of rape and the buying and selling of girls as young as 12"

Dyncorp did all this while being funded and supported by the UN
"In 2009, DynCorp employees hired a 15-year-old adolescent boy to strip dance for them. "

State Dept gave #Dyncorp $2.8B in contracts between 2002-2013 to 'rebuild' Afghanistan.…

Read 4 tweets
Jan 15th 2020

Was Norway's drastic reduction of donations to the Clinton Foundation related to the 150 TB CP ring busted in 2016?

#Epstein #DynCorp #Kosovo #Clinton #NATO #Norway

#SaveTheChildren #EndTrafficking #PizzaGate #DrainTheSwamp
Norwegian police in Operation Dark Room brought charges against 51 people including 'highly educated' politicians, lawyers, police, teachers

They seized 150 TB of CP...

ABC, NYT & WaPo all deleted their articles about this case…
Norway donated $584M to the CF from 07-16 then slashed their donations by 87% after HRC lost in 16

The cuts were announced the SAME WEEK as the pedo ring bust, just days after 2016 US election

Among the arrested was a politician from Norways Labor party…
Read 15 tweets
Jan 11th 2020
On National Human Trafficking Awareness Day, the #FBI would like to address some common myths about #humantrafficking to raise awareness of labor trafficking and sex trafficking. #EndTrafficking
Myth: Human trafficking is the same as sex trafficking.
Reality: Human trafficking is modern day slavery that involves the use of force, fraud, or coercion to compel someone to provide labor, services, or commercial sex. #EndTrafficking
Myth: Labor trafficking is only or primarily a problem in developing countries.
Reality: Labor trafficking happens in the U.S. and in other developed countries, but it is reported at lower rates than sex trafficking. #EndTrafficking
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Jul 29th 2019…📁
Maryland has second-most defendants charged in federal human trafficking cases?
Who represents Maryland in the House/Senate?
The More You Know…
Wow. Look how many trafficking cases initiated once @POTUS took over the @DOJ…
@POTUS @doj I can't imagine how F*ing horrible it is to be one of these children. Liberals act like they care about the kids, but do they really see what is going on? Kids = are money for border jumpers. Kids are money for the cartels. Kids are money for sex traffickers. #EndTrafficking
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Jan 31st 2019
Department of Justice Recognizes Human Trafficking Prevention Month and Announces Update on Efforts to Combat this Violent Crime…
"Human trafficking is a horrific crime against the human dignity of the victims, and it can have no place in our society."—Acting Attorney General Matthew G. Whitaker #EndTrafficking
In fiscal year 2018, the Justice Department initiated a total of 230 human trafficking prosecutions, charging 386 defendants and convicting a record 526 defendants. #EndTrafficking…
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Apr 21st 2018
(1) DOJ press release & court filing about Allison Mack, Keith Raniere, and their obvious pyramid scheme based on serious sexual and psychological abuse of adult women & underage girls. Kudos to the FBI & all LE agencies involved. Pray for the victims.…
(2) All civilized people are against sexual, psychological, physical and financial abuse but this is an extreme case. Cults are very damaging. When they involve sexual/psychological abuse they are far worse. Clear crimes were committed here & there will prob be more defendants.
(3) Any adult can become victimized by a scam. Yes, even mature, educated, intelligent people. Because the scammers know how to manipulate... spirituality, sex & the threat of public humiliation are extremely powerful tools.
Read 27 tweets
Mar 9th 2018
(1) #PhotoThread: Team Trump current events from March 9, 2018 onward. #MAGA🦅🇺🇸🦁

You can find links to all my photo threads at:…
(2) Signing the aluminium & steel tariffs Thursday then handing souvenir pens to the workers. Sec Mnuchin (Treasury), Sec Ross (Commerce) & US Trade Representative Lighthizer entering the room, smiling. Four hours later, SoKo announced the US-NoKo talks.
(3) Earlier this week the President spoke to the Latino Coalition Legislative Summit. He is pictured below with Latino Coalition Chairman Hector Barreto.
Read 43 tweets

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