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Mar 28th 2023
Make no mistake #Canada's #Budget2023 is a war budget. No other federal program received more 💰 than @NationalDefence. $55 billion for @NATO & @NORADCommand programs & more weapons ⬇️ China, Russia & Iran called threats. 1/3 🧵
@cafreeland @FinanceCanada @VOWPeace @WBWCanada Image
Canada's budget also has special feature on new fighter jets ⬇️ $19 billion for #F35s + $7B for new runways. @JustinTrudeau invests more in militarizing the Arctic than protecting it. #GroundTheF35
#Budget2023 Is Not #YourBudget.
Read: @nofighterjets 2/3 Image
Govt prioritizes Ukraine over climate. #Budget2023 has 65 references to #Ukraine, only 49 mentions of #climate though we're in a #ClimateEmergency. Lots of $ for military too little for climate. Read: #Demilitarize
#IPCCReport #StopTheWar #ActOnClimate 3/3 Image
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Dec 10th 2020

This International Human Rights day I'm thinking about humanitarian crisis in #Yemen and the vote in the Senate yesterday to enable a leading driver of the violence in Yemen, the #UAE. #YemenCantWait #InternationalHumanRightsDay @AkbarSAhmed…
Last night, the #US Senate just said Trump can send $23 billion in sophisticated weapons to the #UAE, including #F35s, Reaper drones, and munitions. The UAE is a leading driver of violence in the #Yemen & have helped push millions to the brink of famine. #YemenCantWait
The #UAE has also been arming Al Qaeda affiliates and other militias in Yemen with US made weapons. The silver lining is that most Dems voted against and that Biden has the chance to block delivery of these deadly weapons in the new year. #YemenCantWait
Read 6 tweets
Aug 19th 2020
NEW: "I'm directing Sec of State Mike Pompeo to notify the @UN Security Council that the #UnitedStates intends to restore virtually all of previously suspended United Nations sanction on #Iran" per @POTUS "It's a snapback. Not uncommon"
.@POTUS calls this a result of the "#Obama-#Biden foreign policy failure" re #Iran
"If and when I win the election, within the 1st month, #Iran will come to us and they are going to be asking for a deal so quickly cause they are doing very poorly" predicts @POTUS

Calls #JCPOA "a short-term" deal where US got "nothing"
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