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Как Путин боролся с Навальным. Лишение свободы, аресты счетов, пытки, преследования родственников…

В карточках вспоминаем методы борьбы Кремля с Алексеем Навальным. И в лишний раз напоминаем, насколько жалкие и подлые мерзавцы управляют нашей страной.

#FreeNavalny Image
На протяжении всей политической деятельности Алексея Навального власть искала возможности помешать ему. В итоге Путин попытался убить его, а потом — посадил в пыточную колонию. Но даже там Алексей продолжает бороться и вдохновлять сторонников: Image
🔹 Я знаю всех, кто пытался меня убить:
🔹 Я позвонил своему убийце. Он признался:
🔹 Вся правда об отравлении Навального:

Сайт с документами, хронологией и именами причастных: Image
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Here's a report on our work over the past month. We thank everyone who makes it possible!

First of all, we organized worldwide rallies in support of @navalny. On June 4, they took place in 148 cities and 50 countries.

Join the #FreeNavalny campaign at
Our "SHIZO" installation traveled to The Hague and Prague.

At the same time, we held meetings with supporters. A total of 500 people came to meet Ivan Zhdanov in Amsterdam and Maria Pevchikh in Prague. Image
The main investigation of the month was about Russian propagandist Vladimir Solovyov: we found his American daughters, his mistress and her secret villa.

Watch (ENG subs):
Read 8 tweets
Шесть лет и пару дней назад ФБК опубликовал расследование о роскошном образе жизни и коррупционных схемах Дмитрия Алкогольевича Медведева «Он вам не Димон», которое привело к небывалым до этого несогласованным акциям протеста.

Немного дизайн-деталей о проекте.

👇 Image
Дикий постер, который я сделал, очень долго цитировали, но это не самая дикая штука. У расследования есть сайт, на котором ещё более дикий Димон — он следит глазами за курсором мыши

Можете немного поиграть

👇 Image
Фильм породил протестных уточек. Но не только уточка ассоциировалась с Димоном. Он спалился на покупке кроссовок и люди после расследования забрасывали кроссовки на провода. Если вы читали расследование, а не смотрели фильм, то, знаете, что на сайте есть нечто вроде пасхалки.

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The daughter of #Russia's jailed opposition leader, dissident & political prisoner @navalny, 21-year-old @Dasha_Navalnaya, joined @NickKristof of @nytimes for an interview on her dad's ordeal in solitary confinement in a #Russian penal colony. 💔 #FreeNavalny #СвободуНавальному Image
»I sort of perceive the documentary as this get out of death card. The more awareness we create, the less #Putin and his posse would be tempted to kill my dad. My personal preference would have been that he stayed with me. But I never questioned his decision to go back.«

- Dasha
»I'm super worried about him always, as a daughter. I have it in the back of my head that maybe he shouldn't be doing this. But it's what he's passionate about, and for the greater good of the country.«

- Dasha
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«Почему он решает, как мы живём?»

Цитаты из интервью Марии Певчих @pevchikh Юрию Дудю.

Смотрите полностью:
◾️Анкета Штабов Навального:
◾️Подробнее о платформе штабов в даркнете:…
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Сегодня 3 заседания по искам Навального:

🔸обжалование 10-го ШИЗО, когда посадили на 15 суток 31 декабря;
🔸о нерегистрации дела;
🔸о непредоставлении медкарты, когда не говорили диагноз и кололи странную жижу, на просьбу о карте дали набор нечитаемых ксерокопий

Следим в треде
Опять привлекают начальника колонии Ножкина в качестве административного ответчика и переносят заседание об обжаловании ШИЗО на 1 марта.

На вчерашнее заседание он не пришёл, придёт ли в этот раз 🤔

Если вы не знакомы с начальником ИК, где пытают Алексея:
Началось заседание по иску Навального о непредоставлении медкарты.

В декабре у Алексея обострились боли в спине. Ему кололи неизвестные препараты. Кто назначил и на основе какого диагноза, Навальному не говорили.

Он запросил свою медкарту — принесли пачку нечитаемых копий
Read 26 tweets
Сегодня на заседание по иску Алексея Навального должен прийти начальник колонии Дмитрий Ножкин! Много журналистов приехали на него посмотреть.

Мы про Дмитрия подробно рассказывали и звонили его подруге:

Следим за процессом в треде ImageImage
Рассматривается иск по цензуре. В сентябре 2022 года Алексея Навального лишили адвокатской тайны. Абсолютно все документы (и на внос, и на вынос) просматриваются [некоторые по несколько часов], снимаются на камеру. В том числе документы дел, где запрещено разглашение
Адвокат Кобзев:

Прошлый раз мы откладывали заседание, чтобы привлечь начальника ИК Ножкина, а потом мы получили ваше определение, где Ножкин не привлекается вообще. Привлекается УФСИН по Владимирской области, хотя тот вопрос мы не обсуждали.
Read 24 tweets
«Последний раз я виделась с папой полтора года назад» — цитаты из интервью Даши Навальной журналу Wonderzine.

#FreeNavalny #СвободуНавальному Image
Полностью интервью дочери Алексея Навального:…

#FreeNavalny #СвободуНавальному Image
Сейчас Алексею не дают видеться и созваниваться с близкими: «Мы общаемся письмами, но они все проходят цензуру и идут очень долго»

Даже когда формально звонки разрешались, поговорить нормально было почти невозможно.

#FreeNavalny #СвободуНавальному Image
Read 5 tweets
1/ Why Ukrainians Are Very Sceptical of The #FreeNavalny Campaign - 🧵

Excellent post by @ukrainer_en & @uaexplainers that I found on Instagram:
2/ The only force that de-facto fights putin’s regime and has a chance of defeating it is the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
3/ The #FreeNavalny campaign is based on the vague idea that freeing Navalny would somehow make russia democrati.
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«Мы знаем о них всё: от покупок до маршрутов на работу и домой»

Кто пытает Навального в ИК-6 Мелехово. Фото в треде

В «Чёрном блокноте» есть ещё более интересная и подробная информация: 😉


#FreeNavalny #CвободуНавальному
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Сегодня вышел важный ролик о людях, кто делают жизнь Алексея Навального в колонии невыносимой. Посмотрите!

Там были фотографии этих мудаков-вертухаев, но я выложу их покрупнее и побольше, а еще дополню соцсетями.
Руководитель колонии: Дмитрий Ножкин, 03.07.1981. Рядом его жена, Ажелика, она тоже, кстати, работает в системе УФСИН.
Юрий Фомин, 28.8.1986, подполковник внутренней службы. Это у него пятая бэха, а у жена Евгении есть 111-метровая квартира в Коврове (об этом подробнее в ролике)
Read 14 tweets
Today, actions are taking place all over the world against the war, against Putin and in support of A.Navalny
#Hamburg: They are chanting “Putin's gang on trial! Freedom to all political prisoners!”
The poster says “No war! No repression”
#FreeNavalny #СвободуПолитзаключённым
A rally and march against the war and in support of Alexei Navalny is taking place in #Amsterdam, #Netherlands and #Dusseldorf, #Germany.
The protesters came out with placards and white-blue-white flags
#FreeNavalny #PutinWarCriminal #PutinIsaWarCriminal #СвободуПолитзаключённым…
The rally is also taking place in #Armenia, #Yerevan
On the porters they wrote: "Putinism is a threat to the world", "Putin is a killer", "Freedom for Ilya Yashin", "Freedom for Navalny", "Freedom for Sasha Skochilenko", "Freedom for Alexei Gorinov", "Dictators are criminals",etc
Read 4 tweets
Russia 🇷🇺 is a beautiful country. I have many dear Russian friends.

What Russian invasion army under Putin’s orders is doing in Ukraine is condemned by all of the International community.
@MFA @RT… Image
Russia 🇷🇺 could be a prosperous nation if only the country was not run by Putin’s Silovik kleptocrats.

The only way for Russian youth to succeed in the future is to over-throw criminal Putin and choose #peace in Ukraine 🇺🇦. Stand up to Putin insanity!
#StandWithUkraine Image
Putin’s unjustified, criminal invasion is turning Russia 🇷🇺 into a pariah state.

The phase of invasion war can be over in days or weeks, but the World will not forget in a generation. Ukrainian 🇺🇦 people will never forget Putin’s Holodomor.
#StandWithUkraine Image
Read 13 tweets
I wanted to thank the many people who expressed support for my brother who was arrested in Moscow protest #StandWithUkraine. This means a lot to us. His last message was that he was released close to midnight. I brought up his plight 1) (thread)
2) not because I see equival. in Moscow protesters' plight and of kids hiding in shelters in Kiev hearing rockets and sirens. It is to highlight the obvious-that #Putin claim that "Russian people" desire the #occupation is a sham. That he has been waging a war on his own people
3) That even prior to invading in 2014 he developed and tested during the 2011-12 anti-Putin #SnowflakeRevolution rallies sophisticated machinery of media misinformation defaming protesters as fascists and opportunists on West. payroll. On this see my and @koheiw7 et al. paper in
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1. Just my perception formed when I managed a huge restaurant at the #Hilton in #NYC in late 1970s. The employees included post-Refusnik #RussianJews who I used to let hang out in my office when it was slow so they could smoke & teach me about the lives of #Soviet #Russian #Jews
2. including the brutal life in Soviet #gulags, rampant #corruption and constant #fear. Survival in a repressive society. At this same time I had been directed by the great Chekhovian director Nikos Psacharopoulos who directed me in scene study performing Kostia in the Seagull.
3. The method had supercharged my psyche at this time to freely accept Russian ions. IMO the popularity of being photographed in front of this hideous sculpture is Russian resistance humor. An inside joke.
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Sorry for being away I was at the anti #Putin regime protest in #TelAviv with my parents
Local Israeli TV was there !
#Israel #TelAviv
#Russia #Putin #Navalny #FreeNavalny
Не молчим , #СвободаНавальному #ТельАвив
@teamnavalny @fbkinfo
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BREAKING: Arrests and raids galore in Russia, as the country braces itself for unsanctioned rallies in support of #Navalny & #Putin's address to the nation. I will report live. In Moscow, the police just pulled out of a taxi and drove away an opposition leader Lyubov Sobol.👇👇👇
BREAKING: In St. Petersburg, the police searched the homes of six activists and a journalist. Water canon trucks appeared on the main street of the city. In Kurgan, an employee of Navalny's Anti-Corruption Fund center, as well as the girlfriend of the coordinator, were detained.
In Irkutsk, an activist was detained six hours before the rally, without a reason, as he walked down the street. In Ulan-Ude, the mayor's office suddenly decided to fumigate the square where the rally was planned, "against ticks."
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This is Dvortzovaya square in Saint Petersburg, same thing with Manezhnaya square in Moscow
#Russia #Navalny #Putin
Today , anti Putin regime protests in support of Alexey Navalny will be held in cities and towns across Russia and across the world [THREAD]
#FreeNavalnyNow #Navalny #Russia #Putin
Read 111 tweets
#Navalny's message from the colony, just now: "I wish you'd see me now - you'd laugh. Imagine a skeleton walking, staggering around the cell, desperately smacking mosquitoes on the walls and ceiling with a rolled up court order." Thread #FreeNalvany
"These squeaking and biting critters could kill a person faster than any hunger strike.
You can tell horror stories about me to kids who refuse to eat their meals.
Masha, if you don't eat your cereal, you will become like this man, all giant ears, a skull-like face & sunken eyes.
"Oh no, Mom! Please! I'll eat everything and ask for more!
But anyway, life brings you great moments and you have fun and laugh.
This weekend - I will not lie - wasn't good. I was admitted to a prison hospital ward at another penal colony.
Read 46 tweets
Everyone who cares about Alexei Navalny should tweet out this video that he did, exposing Vladimir Putin’s abhorrent corruption.

The U.S.—or one of our allies—needs to step in and take action to save Navalny before he dies. Not after.

Then read this excellent interview with twice-poisoned Vladimir Kara-Murza.
Note: the video has English subtitles. Although it is long, it is definitely worth watching the whole thing.
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The situation in #Russia escalates. #Navalny was transferred to a penal colony hospital. His trusted doctors are still not allowed to see him. No more blood test results. His lawyer was only allowed to see him for several minutes. Vitamin treatment is administered/no details.👇🏽
Navalny's allies are calling for an all-Russia protest. Their organization is about to be proclaimed a terrorist organization. Anyone associated with Navalny can be imprisoned for 6-10 years. The database with emails of people registered for the rally hacked and made public. 👇🏽
We will be holding rallies around the US and Canada to advocate appropriate independent medical attention to Alexey Navalny. The rally will take place on April 20 and 21--see the list of current events and more will be added. 👇🏽
Read 17 tweets
These are real heroes. This doctor just spent over a month under home arrest (first w/o the right to seeing her kids.) Now, she & her colleagues are going to the penal colony to insist on the right to treat #Navalny. His condition is deteriorating; the colony is struck by TB.
This is the same doctor who played Beethoven while her house was being searched. Here's my interview with her lawyer from 2 months ago only. Now she's risking her life again...
#Navalny is on a hunger strike and lost 13 kg (26 lbs). He's showing symptoms of the coma and toxic poisoning aftermath, according to the doctors in the video above. #Putin is killing people in the broad daylight and in front of the whole world. Share a word.
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Be careful what you wish for in #Russia? Russian commission says @navalny requested painkiller injections in prison, after an open letter from Russian doctors asked for medical assistance for his severe back & leg pain. But Navalny's lawyers don't seem to know of the request.
@navalny Maybe I'm too cynical. But I worry about Navalny getting injections in a Russian prison. What a convenient way to harm him. Putin is a killer after all. And Navalny wouldn't be in prison if he wasn't a serious threat to Putin. Navalny should have his doctor administer injections.
@navalny I mean, Putin already had a death squad smear a chemical weapon on Navalny's underpants while the guy was traveling. Now he's a sitting duck. Why wouldn't killer Putin use Navalny's back pain as an opportunity to kill him in prison? Want more than ibuprofen? Sure thing, Alexey.😨 Image
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