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May 24th 2023
#PresidentofIndia Droupadi Murmu #CJIDYChandrachud, law minister (independent charge) Arjun Ram Meghwal, as well as the chief minister and governor of Jharkhand are going to shortly deliver their addresses at the inauguration of a new building of the Jharkhand High Court. Image
Jharkhand High Court Chief Justice Sanjaya Kumar Mishra delivers an address welcoming #PresidentofIndia Droupadi Murmu and the other guests.

#JharkhandHighCourt #Inauguration #NewBuilding Image
Chief Justice Mishra: Confident that new building will facilitate judges, lawyers, and all stakeholders of justice dispensation system in securing social, political, & economic justice for all our citizens.

#JharkhandHighCourt #Inauguration #NewBuilding
Read 35 tweets
Jan 27th 2021
Jeff Zients and the @WhiteHouse #COVID19 team presented a status report this morning. First, from @CDCDirector Walensky, good news that the holiday surge in new cases, hospitalizations & even deaths appears to be over in USA -- but case levels remain very high.
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2/ The racial distribution of #COVID19 deaths in America is terribly unequal, with African Americans FAR more likely to suffer fatal disease if infected with the virus. The @WhiteHouse named addressing these disparities as its top priority.
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3/ Getting vaccines out the door, and into people's arms remains an enormously challenging feat. Delivery of #COVID19 #vaccines to states is only half the problem: getting them administered is proving to be the tougher part, says @ASlavitt .
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Jan 25th 2021
#Inauguration Amerikaans volkslied door Lady Gaga was vanaf de eerste noten meeslepend, maar kijk naar deze voortreffelijke video om te begrijpen wat er zo bijzonder was aan haar interpretatie.
De New York Times over de muziek bij het hele inauguratiefeeest: Image
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Jan 22nd 2021
1/1: President Joe Biden’s Inauguration was the beginning of a fresh start for America. This day had many key moments from Herstory being made, the fashion, celebrity appearances, to President Biden’s inauguration speech! Let’s review some key moments, shall we! #Inauguration
2/2: Now that Trump is out of office celebrities are beginning to embrace the White House again. The inaugural concert had a star-studded line-up including performances by Katy Perry, Jon Bon Jovi, John Legend, and other famous artists. #Inauguration2021
3/3: Not only were celebrities invited to perform for the inaugural concert, but they were also invited to be presenters for the “Celebrating America” special, such as actresses, Eva Longoria and Kerry Washington. Photo Credit: Biden Inaugural Committee via AP.
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Jan 21st 2021
Vice-president under Barack #Obama and a senator for 36 years, #JoeBiden is a political figure familiar to most Americans🇺🇸

To many, he lacks the aura of the last Democratic president, but after a period of turmoil in US politics, is he the steady pair of hands the nation needs?
#US 🇺🇸 President Joe #Biden moved swiftly to dismantle Donald #Trump’s legacy on his first day in office.

The president signed a series of executive actions to reverse course on immigration, climate change, racial equity and handling of the pandemic ✍️

@WassimCornet reports ⤵️
@WassimCornet 🇺🇸 Meanwhile, Donald #Trump has a long way to go to rebuild an image left in tatters by his presidency, particularly the final months.

France 24's @ketgorjestani said that the Republican left the White House "with the lowest rating of his presidency" ⤵️
Read 19 tweets
Jan 21st 2021
eight years ago i had the opportunity to attend Obama's 2nd inauguration & it was MLK Jr. Day. it was a whirlwind, somewhat last minute decision but worth every minute of the less than 48 hours i was in D.C. i shared an airport shuttle with a Black woman. who worked for Fox News.
my friend K. and i were up before dawn, following our carefully plotted route by foot, subway & taxi to the inauguration which included a hotel bathroom break. security included metal detectors once we were near the capital. we stood in the front row of the fenced off section.
once there, it was a risk to use the restroom, unsure if we could reclaim our spot but we did (but not without a lot of side eyes). after Obama spoke, people left. front row we saw Paula Abdul, Nick Cannon and others. i'd have left then too in order to beat the crowds.
Read 5 tweets
Jan 21st 2021
Katy Perry encerra o show da posse de Joe Biden com "Firework", um de seus maiores hits. #Inauguration Image
Fogos de artifício tomam o céu de Washington no encerramento da cerimônia de posse de Joe Biden e Kamala Harris. #Inauguration Image
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Jan 21st 2021
1/9 More #inauguration day thoughts, written on J20 2017 and now part of upcoming book project with @PMPressOrg. Line of demonstrators, many dressed in black bloc, faces off
2/9 “La suerte solo rie a los audaces.” “Fortune only smiles upon the bold.” So goes a famous Latin American rock song. I’m definitely no poet, so symbolism and metaphors aren’t necessarily my strength.
3/9 But I feel like precisely that point was illustrated to us that day in an usually poetic manner. How much more clearly could we expect the principles of solidarity, individual courage, and collective strength be portrayed in practice?
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Jan 21st 2021
Thinking about #inauguration day 2001, when 600 anarchists barreled through a secret service checkpoint; almost invaded the parade route; and raised the black flag at the Navy memorial as Bush's motorcade drove by. Anarchist bloc holds banner...
The 600 person strong "Revolutionary Anti-Authoritarian Bloc" got off to a less than promising start, with most participants being kettled after a brief confrontation outside the Washington Post, Anarchists hold a banner re...
but the day ended with this timeless image, of a black bloc anarchist flying off of the Navy memorial after hoisting a red/blac flag, over a line of riot cops, and into the safety of their comrades. Lone demonstrator jumps off...
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Jan 20th 2021
THREAD: My photos/videos from around Washington, D.C. today.
This is David Wood and he still thinks Donald Trump will be president.

“The guy who got the most legal votes is going to be president. I believe Donald Trump got the most legal votes... I don’t know how God is going to do it... but Donald Trump is gonna serve four more years.”
“The Egyptians, which was a Communist regime, was chasing the Israelites and Moses... they came right to the edge of the Red Sea and they had nowhere to go... then God said ‘Stick out your staff’... and the Red Sea parted... so that’s exactly what’s going to happen here.”
Read 16 tweets
Jan 20th 2021
E começou a parada presidencial. #Inauguration Image
E o carro oficial do presidente, “The Beast”. Image
Acontecendo agora: a parada/desfile presidencial. #Inauguration Image
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Jan 20th 2021
Bono: "As an Irishman, I’ve always believed America isn’t just a country, it’s an idea, one the whole world has a stake in. Lady Liberty’s been bruised and battered these past four years...
but today her flame burns bright as we watch her torch transfer to two new leaders who will calm the waters, even while they chart a new course. Joe Biden understands that in perilous times like these it is Yeats’ concept of cold passion that’s required…
an idea both very Irish, and very American. Congratulations and Godspeed to President Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris, who’s history making, history-shaping achievement deserves many more moments in the sun...
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Jan 20th 2021
“Today, the work begins.” @WhiteHouse

“On the shore, I watched the sails unfurl, flap then billow, & felt my heart billow too. ‘May the wind always be at your back’ I said, & my soft words were carried away on the salty, sea breeze.” (Emerson Warner).
2/. “When day comes we ask ourselves where can we find light in this never-ending shade?”

@TheAmandaGorman’s powerful #InaugurationDay  poem captioned in 3 parts by @janesamikim

Part 1/3 #BidenHarrisInauguration #Inauguration2021  #Inauguration  #Biden
3/. “The loss we carry a sea we must wade. We’ve braved the belly of the beast. We’ve learned that quiet isn’t always peace. In the norms and notions of what just is isn’t always justice. And yet, the dawn is ours before we knew it. Somehow we do it.”
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Jan 20th 2021
Follow the latest updates as Joe Biden and Kamala Harris officially become president and VP #InaugurationDay…
Biden and Harris were joined by George Bush, Bill Clinton and Barack Obama to represent the peaceful transfer of power from Donald Trump #InaugurationDay…
Earlier, Trump left the White House to arrive at Joint Base Andrews, in Maryland for a farewell event he threw for himself…
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Jan 20th 2021
From the Pledge of Allegiance being signed & spoken simultaneously to the presence of the powerful Amanda Gorman to the President himself, both people with speech disabilities, disability was represented as a part of American culture & politics during #InaugurationDay Thread 1/7 Andrea Hall a black fire captain stands in front of a podiumAmanda Gorman, a black woman wearing a yellow coat and a redPresident Joe Biden a white man with white hair holds his ha
Andrea Hall was the 1st Black woman hired and assigned to a station at the City of Albany Fire Department, & then the 1st Black woman to serve as fire captain at Fulton County Fire Rescue. She presented the Pledge of Allegiance in ASL & spoken English… 2/7
Jennifer Lopez, who sung an amazing mashup of “This Land is Your Land,” “Let’s Get Loud,” and “America the Beautiful” has a history of anxiety and depression.… #Inauguration2021 3/7
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Jan 20th 2021
Did you know that @TheAmandaGorman has performed five commissioned poems for @CBSThisMorning?

Here's "The Miracle of Morning" (April 2020)

👀 👇
"Fury and Faith" by @TheAmandaGorman for @CBSThisMorning. (June 2020)
"The Republic Rising" by @TheAmandaGorman for @CBSThisMorning at @EmpireStateBldg. (Nov. 2019)
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Jan 20th 2021
There’s an Amanda Gorman at every HS you call underperforming, inner city, and/or the G word.

Honor. Black. Students. Art.

This tweet is doing numbers. So #CiteASista.

After that, donate to orgs/ groups like Urban Word who help young Black & brown spoken word poets today so you can help fund the next Amanda Gorman of tomorrow.

Since somma y’all new & lacking reading comprehension, let me help:

Amanda’s Black elite access underscores my larger point—there are Black youth artists this country WILL NEVER see with equal+ talent BECAUSE of their schools. We are NOT the talented 10th alone.

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Jan 20th 2021
There’s something to be said about all the ways Black people are tied to and centered in the pageantry of this political moment, the Inauguration, and I’m sitting with the complicated discomfort of seeing us but remaining so unseen in this nation as human beings. #InaugurationDay
It’s reminiscent of the Obama years, but different, something more available in representation yet still illegible in terms of its meaning. I’m thinking a lot about @KieseLaymon’s 2016 @TheGardianNews piece about Blackness and our corrupt oligarchy. #InaugurationDay
The long history of Black folks being positioned as the convenient darlings of electoral politics, while remaining its proverbial stepchild in to policy and practice, calls into question whether our inclusion in pageantry is anything more than political theater. #Inauguration
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Jan 20th 2021
Presidente Biden faz agora seu discurso.

#Inauguration Image
Presidente Biden:

“Agradeço aos meus antecessores de ambas os partidos por sua presença aqui hoje. Agradeço-lhes do fundo do meu coração."

Presidente Biden:

“Hoje é o dia da democracia.
Um dia de história e esperança.
De renovação e determinação.
Hoje, celebramos o triunfo, não o triunfo de um candidato, mas de uma causa: A causa da democracia.
A vontade do povo foi ouvida e a vontade do povo foi atendida.”
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Jan 20th 2021
שרשור נאום ביידן
1. זהו יומה של אמריקה, זהו יומה של הדמוקרטיה. במשך שנים אמריקה עמדה במבחן. בשעה זו ידידיי, הדמוקרטיה עמדה במבחן. אלימות עלתה על הקפיטול, אך כעת התכנסנו כאומה אחת כדי לבצע העברה שלווה של השלטון.
2. אני מודה לקודמיי משתי המפלגות שנמצאים פה. ההצלחה תלויה לא בחלק מאתנו אלא בכולנו. יש לנו הרבה לאן להתקדם, הרבה מה לתקן, הרבה מה לרפא והרבה מה להשיג.
3. אנחנו נילחם - ונביס - את הקיצוניות, הלאומנות והעליונות-הלבנה. לינקולן אמר, "אם אזכר בהיסטוריה - יהיה זה בגלל חוק האמנסיפציה וכל נשמתי מושקעת בו."
כאן, כעת, כל נשמתי מושקעת ברגע הזה.
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Jan 20th 2021
Congratulations President @JoeBiden. Today is a great day for America’s working families as we move into an administration committed to implementing a #WorkersFirstAgenda.
As a kid growing up in Scranton and Claymont, @JoeBiden’s grandpa told him to “Keep the faith.” His grandmother would add: “Spread it! Spread the faith!” Mr. President, working people have kept the faith. And we’re ready to spread it with you. #InaugurationDay
From holding big banks accountable to advancing criminal justice reform, @VP @KamalaHarris earned the reputation of being a champion for working people. Today, she has cemented her place in history as a trailblazer. #InaugurationDay
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Jan 20th 2021
I will be live Tweeting throughout Joe Biden's speech to give my instant reactions.
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Jan 20th 2021
Watching @JoeBiden's inauguration has me feeling so many feelings. 4 years ago it didn't seem like this day was possible.
This makes me so unbelievably happy.

I'm so happy for the sane Americans
Watching @JoeBiden walk out onto the platform is truly a moment to be cherished forever.

The Trump era is over at last.
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Jan 20th 2021
🔴 #DIRECT - C'est le jour J pour Joe #Biden ! Suivez la cérémonie d'investiture du 46ème président des #EtatsUnis 🇺🇸

🇺🇸 Un président s'en va, un autre arrive. Suivez cette journée historique sur notre #liveblog ⤵️
Où se trouve Donald #Trump ? Le président américain (pour quelques minutes encore), qui n'assistera pas à la cérémonie d'investiture de Joe #Biden, a pris un vol vers #MarALago.

➡️ Précisions avec Emmanuel Saint-Martin, envoyé spécial de @FRANCE24
Read 24 tweets

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