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Feb 9th 2023
Over the past 30 days, @cai_index - $CAI outperformed both $AVAX & the biggest DeFi crypto index #DeFiPulse $DPI by several points!


A thread 🧵
📊 PERFORMANCE (30 days period)

vs $DPI:
$CAI gained a whopping +66% while $DPI only managed +31%.

vs $AVAX:
$CAI outperformed $AVAX by 8 percentage points. 🤯🔥
..Talk about diversification & its ability to influence overall portfolio performance! 👌

Every month, we make sure $CAI adheres to its methodology & that funds are efficiently allocated.

This month, no new assets that fit $CAI's criteria have been added. The current allocation of assets is as follows:

$AVAX: 20%
$sAVAX: 30%
$JOE: 35%
$QI: 15%
Read 5 tweets
Apr 30th 2022
1/ Farmer Frank is coming to the Avalanche ecosystem very soon! ❄️ Here’s a thread 🧵 on how our approach to the JOE wars is different:
2/ Since Convex first went live, every single protocol building ahead of veTokens utilized fuginble tokens 🪙 to bootstrap liquidity.
3/ This is probably because of the Convex model already proving itself successful to the market - by being the largest accumulator of veCRV tokens.
Read 9 tweets
Mar 28th 2022
1/ Trader Joe’s new tokenomics (#sJOE, #veJOE) builds on a vastly adopted model first introduced by Curve. 🧵

TLDR: The more #veJOE you hold, the higher the boost you receive on certain pools. #sJOE entitles its holders to claim part of Trader JOE’s fees.
2/ @traderjoe_xyz is the second largest protocol on #Avalanche by TVL. It has a daily average volume of $75M, which comes crucial when talking about #sJOE.
3/ Furthermore, the protocol is backed by a very strong team 🧑‍💻
@cryptofishx @0xmurloc @DavideFi_ @blueclarityone

Thanks sers for making the best exchange on #Avalanche!
Read 14 tweets
Feb 27th 2022
De provocación en provocación:

El complejo militar estadounidense tiene al mundo donde quiere y lo necesitaba para reactivar su economía.

1) #Biden inició su administración llamando a #Putin asesino, al que haría pagar caro (no sabemos qué).

2) #Putin pidió debate a #JoeBiden,
... mismo al que #Joe se negó.

3) #EEUU y la #UE prohíbieron el uso y distribución de la vacuna #SputnikV, sin mayor argumento que el que la #OMS no la había autorizado, a pesar de que #TheLancet acreditó su efectividad.

4) #Brasil en crisis de pandemia, aceptó presión del...
Departamento de Salud de EEUU para rechazar 10 millones de dosis de Sputnik V compradas a Rusia; ¿Argumento? EEUU no podía permitir que #Rusia limpiara su imagen en #AméricaLatina con su diplomacia de la salud en tiempos del #COVID19.

5) Biden y #Blinken empezaron a amenazar...
Read 9 tweets
Jan 29th 2022
Thoughts on new @traderjoe_xyz tokenomics. 🧵

TJ is the biggest dex on #AVAX and its revenue is no joke. However, it’s revenue sharing model; xJOE - adopted from xSushi - is an obviously failing mechanic that rewards dumpers more than stakers.

Time for innovation:
1) rJOE
You can stake ur JOE for rJOE. It cannot be traded. It’s burned when used to enter a launch.

Right now, when contracts go live, it is sniped by bots and exploited. Rocket Joe fixes this by allowing people to have a fair shot at launches but with rJOE ticket.
with #avax txs nearing dailies of #ethereum, and TJ being THE dex of avax eco, its whitelist important. And a new project may not receive it if not partnered with Rocket Joe. TJ may become the Steam/CEX of avax defi eco.
Read 12 tweets
Oct 4th 2021

This #NYTimes piece on #Biden is #interesting. It'is almost honest.

The reporters express surprise that #SenileJoe is siding with the #Dem #Left. Maybe they really ARE surprised. If they are, it just shows they were conned as thoroughly as most of the country was in 2020.
It’s now clear that Biden had a three part agenda: 1) Get elected #POTUS. 2) Pass a lot of very expensive government programs. 3) Go down in history as an #FDR or #LBJ, a president who permanently transformed American society.
#Joe’s problem was that 2) endangered 1). He needed to pretend to be “moderate” to get elected. So he ran a campaign that came down to ‘#OrangeManBad, #SenileManGood, and let’s not talk about what I’ll do in office.’ And it worked. He got the #DemocraticParty united behind him.
Read 8 tweets
Oct 31st 2020
El producto interno bruto (PIB) mundial en el 2017 fue ~$80,000,000,000,000

En el 2021 el PIB mundial será de ~₿18,500,000 #BTC
El sabado se dispararon mis alertas de #BTC a $14K... pero #fiambre
Que por cierto; Ayer bitcoin tuvo el segundo cierre mensual mas alto de su historia , $13,816 en bitstamp. Tomenlo con un grano de sal, sin embargo me hace pensar, cuando les toca a las altcoins? #BTC
Read 218 tweets
Oct 23rd 2020
#PresidentialDebates should not happen without #LiveFactChecking, especially when our #despot is infamous for lies! This is a thread which attempts to dispute some of #TheHateYam's lies. The #SecondPresidentialDebate2020 begins at 24:19 on this video.
At 28:00 #PresidentDeathBreath congratulates himself on what he's done in terms of #PPE. All he did was loot the #FederalStockpile they sold it at auction abroad for #TrumpCrimeSyndicate profit, then #Kushner said it was their own not #ThePeoplesStockpile!…
Then he replaced the quality, American made #PPE stolen from #ThePeoplesStockpile w/substandard mice chewed expired crap he bought from #Putin, he allowed #Putin to fly it into #Boston on fighter jet! #Russian fighter jets do not belong in our airspace!…
Read 21 tweets
Aug 14th 2020
#JoeBiden disgrace to humanity & anybody who supports him & Buffalo Girl.
I said years ago #SouthAfrica is the test bed for the USA. The world watches as people are exterminated. "Deplorables" next?
Look at SA, step up &
fix the real "wrongs of the past" @realDonaldTrump
Same people, same agenda... Whites are "evil deplorables" right?
26 years later and these are the headlines...
👇🏻👇🏻 Take a minute and read these headlines👇🏻👇🏻… ImageImageImageImage
Read 4 tweets
Apr 1st 2019
#biden #working the #erogenous #zones. Yes, your friends at @WebMD have published a helpful guide to these pleasure points on the human body. Here's their take:
"2. The Nape Of The Neck

Though some people might get all Marie Antoinette about having their neck touched, neck kisses are almost always a turn-on, says McCombs. In fact, women ranked the nape of the neck above the breasts and nipples as an erogenous zone, [cont'd]
according to a study published in the journal Cortex. 'It’s such a sexy place because it’s such a vulnerable place,' says McCombs. 'If you combine the lips with the neck, it’s quite a turn-on.'
Read 6 tweets
Jan 29th 2018
So I’ve been wanting to be play this game..Finally going to do it... Image
1. (#Damon & #Elena) #Delena |You want a love that consumes you. You want passion and adventure, and even a little danger..#TVD
2. (#Liam & #Steffy) #STEAM | No one can stop us. You know why? Because we are written in the damn stars.
Read 140 tweets

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