#CSPC2018 @sciencepolicy

A: important Q's must be asked! Who is responsible when an important machine breaks? Having space to test things out is also key (#COVE is a good example)
1. Maintenance of #infrastructure requires more structure
2. Defining what #infrastructure is! It's not just machines and labs, it's also land and space and engagement for #cdnsci to get their hands dirty outside those walls
Large prizes like 20M$ Carbon X-Prize to turn CO2 streams into a usable product, are a great #innovation driver
She asks everyone here @sciencepolicy to send her their definition of #infrastructure in #cdnsci, so that the definition used fits the community

I agree! The amount of work done on this file has been v helpful
There are a lot of young #cdnsci at #CSPC2018, I think they appreciated hearing this