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Trump notes 100th million test, but ignores the milestones of 7.1+ million infected with #COVID19 & 205,000 dead.…

#pandemic #TestingTestingTesting
Trump says 100 million rapid tests will be distributed to states.

And many today not wearing #masks

[Reminder: #COVID19 started spreading in the U.S. nine months ago. Nine months & 205,000 now dead & 7.1+ million infected.]

#pandemic #TestingTestingTesting #SchoolsReopening
BUT ... Of those 100 million promised rapid #COVID19 tests to states, only 6.5 million tests will be shipped this week.

#pandemic #TestingTestingTesting #SchoolsReopening
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.@GOPHELP @HELPCmteDems hearing now underway with #NIH Fauci, @SteveFDA, @CDCDirector Redfield & @HHS_ASH Giroir on U.S. #COVID19 response.

.@SenAlexander notes its final hearing as chairman.

#FDA #CDC #NIAID #vaccines #TestingTestingTesting
.@SenAlexander notes development & manufacturing of #COVID19 #vaccines are being done in parallel.

"The risk is taxpayer money."
Read 67 tweets
On the call with reporters, @HHS_ASH Giroir says 85M #COVID19 tests completed.
91.9% completed in 3 days at major referral labs & 97.9% completed in 5 days [what good does a 5 days return do?]
A mean of 2.27 days turn around.

Giroir really likes to say "everything has been now wrapped up with a bow on it."

#COVID19 #pandemic
Wow, @HHS_ASH Giroir just now on the phone with reporters:

"It's great to talk about this utopian kind of idea where everybody has a test every day & we can do that. I don't live in a utopian world. I live in the real world."

#COVID19 cc: @ashishkjha @DrTomFrieden
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#Pakistan 🇵🇰
#COVID19 confirmed cases ..
👉🏻What is the total number of confirmed cases?
👉🏻Total confirmed cases: how rapidly have they increased?
👉🏻What is the daily number of confirmed cases?
👉🏻Confirmed cases: How did the total and daily number change over time?
#Pakistan 🇵🇰
#COVID19 confirmed deaths ..
👉🏻Total confirmed COVID-19 deaths: how rapidly are they increasing?
👉🏻Daily confirmed COVID-19 deaths
👉🏻Daily confirmed COVID-19 deaths per million: are we bending the curve?
👉🏻Daily COVID-19 tests per thousand people
#Pakistan 🇵🇰 can’t afford #LockdownEnd and the data analysis doesn’t justify to lift the #lockdown measures.
Case fatality rate of the ongoing
COVID-19 pandemic ..
The Case Fatality Rate (CFR) is the ratio between confirmed deaths and confirmed cases.
Read 9 tweets
(1/4) Q: I've been hearing a lot about false negative #COVID19 test results. Can you explain?

A: The false negative rate is the % of infected individuals who incorrectly test negative for #COVID.
(2/4) For example, a hot-off-the-press @NPR article reports a 15% false negative rate for @AbbottNews's new rapid COVID test. A 15% false negative rate indicates that out of 100 infected individuals, 15 would incorrectly test negative.
How do we assess the false negative rate? We give some individuals a newly available test, and others the best test currently available. The false positive rate captures the proportion of individuals testing positive with the established test and negative with the new test.
Read 4 tweets
🚨BREAKING: New #coronavirus deaths per day in the US *appear to have peaked* ~10 days after new #COVID19 cases flattened.🙏🏼

If @realDonaldTrump reopens too early, new cases will soar again, especially because he *still* hasn't ramped up sufficient testing.🤬

‼️~40,000 Americans have died from #COVID19 *in 1 month*. And the real death toll is higher, because MANY #coronavirus deaths were not recorded due to lack of testing.

If Trump reopens too early without testing, MORE American lives will be lost.🤬

👏🏼Good news! New #coronavirus cases per day in the US have *appear to be DECLINING*.🙏🏼

We *still* have >20,000 new #COVID19 cases every day, so if we reopen too early without sufficient testing, new #COVID19 cases will explode again.

#WhereAreTheTests #TestingTestingTesting
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Q1: I have been hearing about CT scans as possibly being better at testing for #COVID19 than the current swab test. Is this true?
A1: It’s a bit more complicated. Experts believe that the false negative rate can be around 30% with the swab test due to improper sample collection.
CT scans check ”ground glass” opacities in the lungs, which are common to several diseases (pneumonia, for example). While there could be false positives, clinicians say that the chance of this decreases once out of flu season. In other words, it could be a more specific test.
Q2: So does that mean CT scans should be promoted to test #Covid_19 patients?
A2: Certainly decreasing the false negative rate is important in clinical treatment of #coronavirus. However, identifying cases at scale is as well...
Read 6 tweets

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