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Apr 15th 2023
Exchanges have distinct rules on disclosure, w/some being more strict than others. The #TSX #TSXv & #ASX are recognized as leaders, while other exchanges such as the #AIM #LSE #OTC #NASDAQ have poor disclosure requirements, & companies may choose not to release information 🧵
The #TSX requires companies to produce an independent technical report that is available in full to investors, while the #ASX only requires companies to publish highlights from these reports. For producers, the ASX has more rigorous quarterly reporting requirements.
Various US-listed #lithium companies do not disclose prod. or cost figures. #ASX equities must only use Measured & Indicated resources to calculate mine life in their PFS & FS, Inferred resources are not allowed. This can affect bottom-up stock modelling.
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Jan 19th 2023
Over the last years, we have actively speculated in #exploration sector.

Our approach has changed over time.
One of our strategies is to participate early on in discoveries.

🧵👇Tips on how to do it below.
Step #1: Stay up to date with exploration results announcements EVERY day.

For us #ASX and #TSX takes 10-20 min per day.
Success here comes down to:
• Know what you look for e.g. 20m @ 3% Cu
• Do not get distracted by noise
• You get faster over time
• Automate 😍
Step #1 cont.: Why EVERY day?

We missed the good announcements before. Most of the days nothing happens, but you do not want to miss the 200% move.

How to read announcements faster:…
Read 10 tweets
May 16th 2022
At the close in #Toronto, the S&P/#TSX Composite Index was at 20,206.41 points, up 0.53% today, as dip buyers helped Canadian equities rebounded from last week’s selloff. The TSX was also supported by broad-based gains in commodities, towards which the index is weighted.
The energy sector was buoyed by crude prices, which is being supported by the likely enactment of a ban on Russian oil, from which Canadian producers are expected to benefit. China is also beginning to lift lockdowns, including in Shangai, easing concerns on the demand side.
The heavyweight materials sector also helped lift the TSX, buoyed by industrial metals, which are also likely to see demand rebound as China begins to ease back on Covid-19 restrictions.
Read 5 tweets
May 16th 2022
TC #Energy (#TSX: $TRP)(#NYSE: $TRP) is a reliable bet to generate a regular inflow of cash amid all market conditions. This energy infrastructure giant owns a low-risk portfolio of regulated and contracted assets that account for most of its earnings and easily cover its payouts
Further, it makes it relatively immune to the economic cycles. It’s worth mentioning that TC Energy’s 95% of adjusted EBITDA is generated through the regulated and long-term contracted assets.
It implies that its payouts are very safe. Further, the company increased its dividend at a CAGR of 7% over the past 22 years. What’s more, TC Energy offers an attractive yield of 5%.
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Jan 24th 2020
(1/3) Hodie, li firma #Encana passat su ultim die sur li bursa #TSX, nam desde deman it ne va plu esser #canadés, ma #american. Ante quelc mensus li firma decidet changear su nómine ad #Ovintiv e relocar su centre financiari al #US. Li centre del firma

#Occidental #Interlingue Image
(2/3) hat esset in #Canada desde li annus 1880, quande li Canadés Pacific Relvia decovrit gas natural durant li foration de un puteo por su ovreros. Anc li firma #TransCanada ha changeat su nómine (a @TCEnergy), benque su base resta in Canada. E por li moment li employates Image
(3/3) de Encana in li cité #Calgary in li provincie de #Alberta ne va translocar se. Li firma Encana esset anc conosset pro har luat li gratta-ciel #BowTower, quel esset li max alt turre del cité quande it esset constructet durant li boom economic ante circa deci annus. Image
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Feb 3rd 2019
Attracted by infamous #ViolentUpside of past #Uranium Bull Markets? 🚀🌜 #Investment choices are limited in this tiny niche sector with only ~60 companies left standing of over 500 #U3O8 related #stocks a decade ago. In this thread I will try to lay out some #investor options..🗂️
For lowest risk #investment in #uranium best option is a traded Fund that holds Physical #U3O8. ⚛️ In North America that's Uranium Participation (#TSX: $U OTC: $URPTF) & in #UK that's Yellow Cake PLC (#AIM: $YCA). A 3rd choice, Uranium Trading Corp $UTC, is set to IPO in US. ✍🏼
If you prefer to #invest in baskets of #uranium #stocks through ETF's for 1-trade in & out #U3O8 sector exposure, only 2 real choices. In North America, Global X Uranium ETF $URA on #NYSE, Indexed by Market Cap📊 In UK, Geiger Counter Ltd Fund on LSE: $GCL cherry-picked by PM's🍒
Read 19 tweets

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