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đŸ‡ș🇩Zelensky offre l’Ukraine Ă  #BlackRock
#Zelensky a reçu la plus grande société de gestion d'actifs au monde, #BlackRock.
#BlackRock (avec #Vanguard et #Blackstone) s’était payĂ© les terres Ă  blĂ©đŸ‡ș🇩, elle se positionne maintenant pour capter le marchĂ© de la reconstruction.
Un accord a Ă©tĂ© signĂ© le 10 novembre 2022 Ă  Washington (DC), il prĂ©voit que le Financial Markets Advisory de #BlackRock conseille le ministĂšre de l’Économie sur la crĂ©ation d’une feuille de route pour la mise en place d’une plateforme d’investissement.
Elle attirera principalement des capitaux privés. Cela inclut la structure de la plateforme, son mandat et sa gouvernance.
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Today's Twitter threads (a Twitter thread).

Inside: SVB's investors will get $2b in public bailout money; and more!

Archived at:

#Pluralistic 1/ An old fashioned corner bank. Its sign has been replaced wit
This Monday (Mar 20), I'm doing a remote talk for the @Ostrom_Workshop's Beyond the Web Speaker Series
SVB's investors will get $2b in public bailout money: Also, Silicon Valley is apparently a neighborhood in Manhattan?

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A mix of desperate need and marketing. It takes a willing suspension of disbelief to think that institutions the size of #Blackrock or #Vanguard actually manage money. To all practical purposes they are barges down a river, they depend on the current. (/)
As long as markets are reasonably favorable, that is not readily apparent. Amazingly, even events like 2022, with BOTH bonds and stocks falling more or less equally, are not a problem. That changes if one of two things happen:(/)
1. Bonds tank while equities lose small change:
2. For some reasons savers get rid of intermediaries and invest directly.

Both flavors of #MIFID work against 2. I won't even wonder if that's collateral damage or it was by design. (/)
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🔮 L'#Ukraine, un terrain d'essai pour le #GreatReset

#Zelensky a annoncĂ© que son gouvernement participera Ă  la rĂ©union du Forum Ă©conomique mondial Ă  #Davos en janvier et que #BlackRock financera la reconstruction de l'#Ukraine aprĂšs la guerre. đŸ”œ
Le président ukrainien, qui a eu une conversation vidéo avec le PDG de #BlackRock, Larry Fink, en septembre, a déclaré mercredi dans un message au peuple ukrainien :

"Les spĂ©cialistes de cette sociĂ©tĂ© (#BlackRock) aident dĂ©jĂ  l'Ukraine Ă  structurer des fonds pour la đŸ”œ
reconstruction de notre État."

En novembre, le ministÚre de l'économie de #Kiev et #BlackRock ont signé un mémorandum pour que le géant de l'investissement fournisse des conseils sur la collecte de capitaux pour reconstruire le pays.

En d'autres termes, BlackRock dirigera đŸ”œ
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Eine sehr sorgfÀltig argumentierende Dokumentation mit hochkarÀtigen GewÀhrsleuten. Ein verschwörungstheoretischer Film, er deckt eine weltweite Verschwörung auf. Ein beeindruckender Film. Ansehen!

Ich habe die verschwörungstheoretische Interpretation des Umgangs der Staaten mit der sog. #Corona-#Pandemie bisher stets zurĂŒckgewiesen, obwohl mir die meisten Argumente dafĂŒr bekannt waren. Diese Doku 👆fĂŒgt diese und weitere Puzzleteile auf sehr ĂŒberzeugende Weise zusammen. 2/
Zudem beantwortet die Interpretation als Verschwörung eine Frage, auf die ich bis jetzt keine plausible Antwort gefunden habe: Warum geht das System gegen Gegner der Coronapolitik mit so viel grĂ¶ĂŸerer HĂ€rte vor als gegen Gegner der Bevölkerungspolitik? 3/
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1đŸ§”Good morning lads,
do you remember that man in parliament in Germany? That something big is going to happen and that everyone still knows exactly where he was at this moment. My #PrediQtion is: We go back to the #JulianCalendar. Between #Oct4th & #Oct5th (15)
2đŸ§”The original calendar for October 4, 1582. This is the #SWIFT. Q said 10 #darNKess days. He SWITCHED K AND N and that that switch would happen so fast you won't notice. So everyone was already thinking about CERN and that we were all going to walk through the "time machine".
3đŸ§”But we're going back to the original calendar. The Pope then had STOLEN our TIME. Which has confused mankind for hundreds of years. They also say it's going to be #BIBLICAL and gradually it's coming to the surface that this is really the case. In 1582, 10 days disappeared in
Read 31 tweets
Revolutionary salute to #BlackPantherParty former political prisoner of the #Angola3 (over 4 decades in solitary) comrade #AlbertWoodfox passes on to the ancestors. Forever loyal to your trench of struggle. Love and solidarity to your family, friends and comrades.
“It has been my experience that because of institutional and individual racism, African Americans are born socially dead and spend the rest of their lives fighting to live.” From the book Solitary, by Albert Woodfox
“February 19, 2016
I woke in the dark. Everything I owned fit into two plastic garbage bags in the corner of my cell. “When are these folks gonna let you out,” my mom used to ask me. Today, Mama, I thought. The first thing I’d do is go to her grave.”
Read 39 tweets
- L'outil @BotSentinel , une plateforme qui surveille des millions de comptes #Twitter, estime que 10 Ă  15 % de tous les comptes sur #Twitter sont inauthentiques.

Depuis l'annonce hier de la rupture d'achat de la part @elonmusk au delĂ  des 5%, il semblerait que PLOUF PLOUF PLOUF
Bot Sentinel est une plateforme gratuite développée pour classer et suivre les comptes inauthentiques et les trolls toxiques en utilisant l'apprentissage automatique et l'intelligence artificielle.
En plus, si #Twitter dépasse les 5% de faux comptes, il va encaisser 1 milliard de dollar de bonus !
De plus les actions ont plongé de 22% hier suite à l'annonce !
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12/ un parlementaire 🇹🇩en visio censurĂ© lorsqu’il demande au « speaker » les noms des ministres participant au #WEF 😅
12Bis/ Infiltration du #WEF dans les gvts ? Ici la cĂ©lĂšbre vidĂ©o du cocorico dĂ©bordant d’arrogance satisfaite de Klaus Schwabb, se vantant (Ă  raison) d’avoir essaimĂ© ses jeunes leaders et penseurs progressistes dans de nombreux gvts et institutions

12ter/ l’influence du #WEF en đŸ‡«đŸ‡· est devenue majeure depuis que nous sommes en Macronie, cf ce post des laurĂ©ats đŸ‡«đŸ‡· au pouvoir.⏭
Tous des adeptes d’1 pouvoir exĂ©cutif renforcĂ© ne perdant plus de temps ni avec le parlement ni avec le peuple. Ils veulent RĂ©volution 4.0 #greatreset
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🚹Panique au Pentagone🚹 (suite)

⚫Un blackout complet a Ă©tĂ© demandĂ© sur cette affaire dans les mĂ©dias mainstream

Si vous avez manqué le début :

On apprend que l'ordre de modifier la base DMED est venue directement du Pentagone

Veuillez dérouler
Lloyd Austin, secrĂ©taire Ă  la DĂ©fense (DoD), ancien gĂ©nĂ©ral proche de Biden nommĂ© Ă  la tĂȘte du Pentagone a dĂ©cidĂ©ment bien des soucis Ă  se faire

Il lui était déjà reproché d'avoir violé plusieurs lois fédérales en ne revendant pas ses participations dans plusieurs sociétés
Notemment dans Tenet Healthcare Corporation (THC) détenu par

#Blackrock Inc.11,969,442Septembre 29, 202111.17%
#Vanguard Group10,879,139Septembre 29, 202110.16%

Lloyd Austin risque 5 ans de prison et 50 000 $ d'amende pour chaque infraction
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Textual en una TV de #Argentina. Dice dice el presentador: si el Ministerio de #Sanidad dice que no tiene aislado el #Sarcov2, contra quĂ© estĂĄn inoculando? 😂 #Plandemia #España #Covid #COVID19 #coronavirus
Un médico en #España dice claramente y textualmente que NO llevaría a sus hijos a vacunarse. #Plandemia #VacunateContraLaCovid #COVID19 #coronavirus #España
DEP este guerrero español , despierto y amante de la libertad que contribuyó en la causa contra la farsa de la #plandemia. #España #covid
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Just looking at the release schedule coming up, I really wouldn't be surprised if Hazard Zone gets pushed to Q1 2022.

#Vanguard Release - Nov 5
#BATTLEFIELD2042 - Nov 19
#Warzone Integration - Nov 23
#HaloInfinite - Dec 8

Even if Hazard Zone is Free to Play and EA pay creators to play like they did with Apex, are those creators really sticking around playing Hazard Zone when Warzone is so established on so many FPS channels now? This includes the majority of the EA creators.
It seems like 2042 will launch with a good amount of content without Hazard Zone on Day 1, and from a few rumors I've heard, Hazard Zone might need a little longer in the oven anyway.

What do you think? I'd hate to see another mode buried like Firestorm.
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A ver, Pedazo de Papafrita, como te podés creer que los mismos tipos que han sumido a la #Humanidad en la miseria mas absoluta por medio de la #USURA despiadada, son los mismos que ahora te ofrecen la salvación definitiva? #BigPharma #Farmaceuticas @SonystyleCg @Ricardo93334602 Image
En serio pensas que les importas lo mas mĂ­nimo a estos seres #inhumanos y #amorales? Vos crees que los #FONDOSBUITRE propietarios de el liquido que quieren #inocular en tus #venas son dignos de #confianza? Image
En serio pensas que esto es una cuestiĂłn exclusivamente sanitaria? #HERMANO apaga 5 minutos la Tele y ponete a averiguar quienes estĂĄn detrĂĄs de toda esta historieta, no es joda, nos va la #VIDA en ello. Image
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A gang of @NYPDnews officers swarmed onto a train, jumped on and tased a young Black Man. They accused him of fare evasion and many witnesses on the train, tried to explain to the cops that he did pay his fare.
The City Council has consistently failed the people. In 2019 the failed to cut $1 Billion and this year they gave the NYPD an extra $200 Million. We must remove every single establishment backed council member. #VANGUARD
This happened at the 116th street 2/3 train station. The NYPD has admitted that he paid his fare. The officers swarmed him because he taunted them. Wth? Fire them all.
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The story of Black abolitionist Hester Lane features blatant racism and sexism. But it’s also about a subtler version of both: when you’re expected to choose a side because of your identity, and pigeonholed into what someone like you is “supposed to” believe.

Long thread.
Hester’s story is one of the most exciting discoveries in @marthasjones_' wonderful Vanguard - which is saying something!

Hester was a free woman of color in 1820s New York City. She was an entrepreneur, a leader, and a liberator.
Hester Lane bought the freedom of enslaved people - dangerous work that meant negotiating with southern slaveholders herself. She brought out as many as 11 people - she required them to repay her, which enabled her to keep the cycle going.
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Next up at #asalh2020 @AsalhConvention is a plenary featuring @MsLaToshaBrown @ProfCAnderson @cliff_notes @RepTerriSewell @Dr_JZ "The Ballot is Our Bullet: The Power of the African American Vote"
#citeblackwomen @BlackVotersMtr
.@harris_duchess is also here moderating. @RepTerriSewell starts off: acknowledges centennial of 19th Amendment despite all women not being included. Black women's participation threatened some. #asalh2020
Rep. Sewell: We must know our history. For Black women, suffrage history is one of great pain and great progress. Sewell is Alabama's first Black congresswoman. Represents Selma. Honors Barbara Jordan and Sojourner Truth. #asalh2020
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I started playing #guitar in college. Some of my friends back home played, so I thought I'd learn. It's been years since I kept up with it. With no job and an empty house, I had time. Plus, I could crank up my amp. Ava would have hated it. All the more reason to do it.
Strumming a few chords or playing a riff through a loud amp usually makes me feel better. It's more of a distraction this time. My amp is a little old. Even a #ragpicker might pass on it. "If you're not going to play it, sell it," Ava nagged. Life always got in the way.
Or I got in the way. Not even ten years ago I kept getting sick all the time. Painful stomach cramps would radiate weakness throughout my body. I learned how to wash it away like healing #rainwater. That's when I really started to figure out who I was and what I could do.
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The whole point of the ‘market’ -as we #Asutrians have been telling you for over a century- is that the prices formed by the countless interactions of our teeming humanity convey info of the best possible quality to help co-ordinate the most fruitful use of scarce resources 1/x
- the greater the nodes on that market network; the more individual needs and preferences expressed upon it, the better the solutions: the more enriched the ‘spontaneous order’ it throws up.
The scrambling of price signals by state lever-pullers is one evil we often discuss - 2/x
- what we don’t address often enough in financial markets (theoretically possessed of the densest and most widespread, most rapid, most frictionless networks of all) is the deadening effect of overconcentration and the move to oligopoly under which we are now suffering - 3/x
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#BREAKING #retraites

Des semaines que @gouvernementFR prétend qu'il n'est pas question de développer la #Capitalisation

Chap.2 Art. 64 du projet de loi : il appelle le secteur de l'assurance à généraliser le recours à l'épargne-retraite, ie la capitalisation

#Blackrock Image
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