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Apr 2nd 2023
Rules of Engagement #WorldAutismAwarenessDay 1) foster #AutisticAcceptance 2) Believe us when we say, Puzzle Pieces DO NOT help promote #AutisticAcceptance (Dig Deeper into the very problematic history of Autism organizations to understand why)
3) Avoid using toys or childhood images to represent #Autism. #Autistics are #Autistic and will remain as such. We are #DifferentNotLess. When you use toys to represent us, it infantilizes our authentic Ways of Being. Use Rainbow Infinity or Gold Infinity symbols instead
4) Always take an #Intersectional approach to understanding #AutisticTruths. We are from all faiths, cultures, gender identities and more, but our experiences are dramatically impacted by how the world sees our diverse layers of identity and whether we are multiply marginalized
Read 9 tweets
Mar 25th 2023
Reminder as Autism Acceptance/ Awareness Month/week/day approaches. Please share this around. I’ve added some links that can be educational to those that don’t understand about Autism Speaks and the Puzzle Piece symbol and ABA Therapy and why they are harmful and offensive to the……
There’s rumours being spread by the Anti-Neurodiversity bullies online trying to silence Autistic people and our voices by trying to convince people that everyone who uses the ActuallyAutistic tag is self-diagnosed, faking being autistic or “fauxtistic” as……
So here goes for the following written information…. Just because you haven’t heard about any of this... doesn’t make it not true. And just because you like “x,y and z”and you’re autistic or a parent of an autistic person... it doesn’t make the following not true. Please don’t……
Read 120 tweets
Apr 2nd 2022
By age 2, my kid didn't speak, cried a lot, couldn't fall asleep without being held for an hour, eating was problem, in fact everything was a problem. Doctors said he'd never speak and would need special care forever. 1/
It was a "child without a manual". We put in the work to write one. At home, in kindergarten, with therapists. We tried lots of experiments. Eg I invented a ball throwing game to teach him the words yes and no that we played for weeks until it clicked. 2/
Imagine being born with a perfectly capable brain, but the way you perceive the outside world is entirely different. Not wrong, just different, and the world doesn't accommodate for how you perceive it. 3/
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Apr 2nd 2021
#RedInstead #WorldAutismAwarenessDay #AutismAcceptance

I debated if I should do something like this for today and it's kinda like... why not. So anyways, a thread.

Hi. I'm Adam, though online people sometimes call me "Moofey." I'm a 36 year old male from the Vancouver area.
Currently, I live by myself smack dab in the middle of suburban Vancouver, and I work full time. I enjoy gaming, (I built my own PC even) as well as cycling, sports, motor racing, and taking nice photos.

Now, I'm about to throw a wrench into all of that:

I'm autistic.
Now that I've mentioned that I'm autistic, how do you see everything else that I've said so far?

"Oh, you can't be autistic enough. You live alone and you have a full time job."

My normal-looking life doesn't really match the description of an autistic person, does it?
Read 26 tweets
Apr 2nd 2021
"I’ve not spoken with my daughter in 12 years. I hope she’s doing okay during the pandemic. by @selectedwisdom " #WorldAutismAwarenessDay2021 #autism…
And here’s to being a step closer - 1st shot in arm, let’s get this over with. Great gift on #AutismAwarenessDay
Read 4 tweets
Apr 3rd 2020
Happy #WorldAutismAwarenessDay! A few things:
- Autism Speaks is seeks to find a cure for autism. We don't need a cure for autism.
- "Asperger's Syndrome" is no longer a valid diagnosis, people are simply on the spectrum, Hans Asperger was a Nazi doctor (look it up).
- A rainbow infinity symbol (which represents autism's spectrum), is the prefered symbol . The puzzle piece is crap as it implies a person with autism is not whole or part of the whole.
- Autism presents differently in females. Because of this, women with autism are massively under-diagnosed.
- As an adult, autism evaluation is not usually covered by insurance. Evaluations can cost upwards of $6,000 AFTER you find a doctor willing to evaluate an adult.
Read 4 tweets
Apr 2nd 2020
Today is #WorldAutismAwarenessDay - COVID19, social distancing, schools out indefinitely, no routine - tough times for all & for people with autism - really rough - but I found silver lining in similar circumstances "Hurricane Sandy Was a Great Day"…
I'm lucky that I have great daughter, family & support system, but many families, children w/autism are not so lucky. Social distancing isn't just during pandemics, its all the time. Months without school & services is debilitating for those with autism & those that care for them
During this #COVID19 trying time, if you can, check in on those that are alone and could use a break. And I've had some great moments with my daughter during this isolation stretch. She's handling it better than me. (Knock on wood) COVID19 hikes = pretty great.
Read 3 tweets
Apr 2nd 2020
Today is #WorldAutismDay

1 in 160 children has an autism spectrum disorder. #Autism begins in childhood and tend to persist into adolescence and adulthood

👉 Today is World Autism Day.<br />
1 in 160 children has an autism spectrum disorder. Autism begins in childhood and tend to persist into adolescence and adulthood.<br />
Interventions for people with #autism need to be accompanied by broader actions for making physical, social and attitudinal environments more:
✔️ accessible
✔️ inclusive
✔️ supportive

It's #WorldAutismAwarenessDay
Here are 5⃣ ways to support your child with #autism
Read 6 tweets
Apr 2nd 2019
My 4 year old son is an amazing individual that happens to be on the spectrum. People are right when they say that autism doesn't just impact one individual, but it impacts the whole family. The day we got the diagnosis, all of our lives were forever
changed (not necessarily for the worse, we just knew things would be different than what we anticipated). He's mostly non-verbal, hand flaps when he's excited, loves reciting the ABCs, counting numbers, identifying shapes and colors, loves @MeCookieMonster and the other
Sesame Street characters, loves different children songs and videos on YT and from his pre-K class, loves to climb practically everything, is almost always laughing or giggling, loves to be tickled, enjoys viewing things from different angles, and likes to line up his cars,
Read 7 tweets
Apr 2nd 2019
ASAN is LIVE at the UN’s #WorldAutismAwarenessDay event “Assistive Technologies, Active Participation”! Watching live starting at 10 AM here:…
Follow along using the hashtags #DisabilityRights #CRPD #WorldAutismAwarenessDay and by following along on this thread.
“Assistive Technologies, Active Participation” is the theme for the @UN’s #WorldAutismAwarenessDay #CRPD #DisabilityRights A multi colored graphic for world autism awareness day
Read 43 tweets
Apr 2nd 2019
Today is #WorldAutismAwarenessDay - Please support autism services & programs in your local community. I'm a proud father of a wonderful daughter who also happens to have autism - “Hurricane Sandy Was A Great Day! — People Don’t Get Autism, Families Do"
Support services for those with autism & their families are essential, particularly in communities lacking public supports or facing government cuts. Check out groups & programs like @NEXTforAUTISM and please consider supporting their efforts
also, Amazon's @amazonsmile offers a great way to support autism charities (and any other charity) with no cost to customers. Check out their program here and how they donate on your behalf when you make purchases.…
Read 3 tweets
Apr 2nd 2019
Primera cosa importante: no existe "el autismo" sino "los trastornos del espectro autista". Dentro de los cuales hay una gran diversidad.
Esta diversidad ya se ve históricamente: en 1943 Leo Kanner y en 1944 Hans Asperger documentan independientemente el trastorno. Pero los niños con los que trabajaba Leo y Hans eran ya bastante distintos en sus síntomas.
Read 48 tweets
Apr 2nd 2019
It's that time of year again! #WorldAutismAwarenessDay!

*extremely sarcastic voice* yay

Here are your annual reminders:
1. We need acceptance, not awareness.

We want acceptance of our voices and our stories and our lives.

We deserve acceptance.
2. Listen to #ActuallyAutistic advocates. Boost our voices. Listen to what we have to say.

Boost #ActuallyAutistic people of color. Boost #ActuallyAutistic people across the gender spectrum. Boost #ActuallyAutistic disabled voices.

We contain multitudes.
Read 11 tweets
Apr 2nd 2019
Today is #WorldAutismDay.

1 in 160 👧👦 has an autism spectrum disorder .

🌏🌍🌎, people with autism are often subject to stigma, discrimination and human rights violations. This needs to stop!
#Autism refers to a range of conditions characterised by some degree of:

🔻impaired social behaviour, communication and language

🔻a narrow range of interests and activities that are both unique to the individual and carried out repetitively.

#Autism begins in childhood and tends to persist into adolescence and adulthood. In most cases the conditions are apparent during the first 5 years of life. #WorldAutismAwarenessDay
Read 7 tweets

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