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Nov 25th 2018
(1) Thread #6: Mass illegal immigration attempts.

November 25, 2018: The standoff continues in Tijuana and other border cities. The US has the ability and the will to win this, even with existing crappy laws.

Directory of caravan threads:

(2) BTW, the man dressed in camo and holding a rifle in the above photo isn't military, he's law enforcement. They've always been able to lawfully use force to save the lives of others. Border patrol officers get murdered. Of course they are allowed to shoot back.
(3) I've seen liberal MSM reporters refer to Tijuana as a "town." The population is >1.2 million.

If 10k caravaners are there, that's a ratio of 1:120. There's bound to be a few open borders fans among the locals. They could billet people in their homes, but no.
Read 13 tweets
Jul 8th 2018
I forewarn anyone reading this article:

There are some of the most graphic images of atrocities committed by Islam against children inside (there is a warning message before images)
They include Nigerians burnt alive, their bodies disembowled, beheaded... But it has to be shown.
Inside the article is a journey discovering the hypocrisy of #BigTech & Mainstream Media.
Fulani Herdsmen of Nigeria are a radical Islamic extremist group responsible for the murder of tens of thousands of Christians.
Google/Wiki show HAPPY pics- they are MURDERERS.
Read 13 tweets

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