- #Ethereum code school CryptoZombies trained 208k+ users and is growing by 30k+/mo
- Truffle has 580k dls, up 56% last 3 mo
- MetaMask has >1m users
- GitHub lists 14k $ETH-based repos and 220k commits
- 1500+ dapps are in dev
- No, batching doesn't make up the dif in tx
- Of the top 100 tokens by MC, 94% are built on Ethereum
- EEA boasts 500+ members
- Brazil, Canada, Zug, Chile, Dubai, and Estonia are experimenting w/ government apps on Ethereum

Value transfer is a use case and those *transacting value daily* are DAUs you morons.
Fundraising with $ETH = MOE.
By DAA, Ethereum has as many or more users than BTC.
ETH is not *just* a compute payment token -- it's also a cryptocurrency!
It has the same fundamental properties as BTC but scores differently based on one's subjective scoring of them.
Don't give me "feels" or appeal to dead economists or quote the entire MC of all money as if that's your fucking TAM. Don't use adjectives like "sound" or "hard" or "2.0" or "Chinese X".
Give me facts. Give me observed data!
Most dapps haven't even launched.
Criticizing DAUs today, particularly using your harebrained definition of a user, is like complaining about the # of web users *before* the Internet was built.
👏# of devs is a proxy for future DAUs 👏