Sleazeball #JamesGunn just got the boot
Any time you clowns on the Left want to call a truce and just live and let live
We're game
If not
Payback is a career medevac…
But speech is free until it's not
& right now it's mob rules if someone says anything edgy
Other than inciting violence
You fight speech you dislike
With better speech
And yes it's fair to call for someone to be fired over heinous things like that
But we have to find a line between offensive & dangerous
Or the #SpeechPolice win
If they incite violence or sexual assault?
But there is a specific standard for that
"directed to inciting or producing imminent lawless action"…
"You molest that kid"
And #SCOTUS added "likely to incite or produce such action"
The court overturned a law that "broadly prohibited the mere advocacy of violence."
Such as
"pedophiles should be beaten"
We must make sure we don't fight to weaken that
They have been very effective howling for the scalp of any offenders. The same standard has not been applied to the Left's many offenders who get a pass #LiberalPrivilege
They must feel the same pain before any chance of a truce can be offered
I agree with almost every bit of this quality takedown
It is a truce in favor of free speech that we want
The Left is much better at the outrage game & especially at the mobs enforcing a hecklers veto
Their goal is to make conservative ideas un-holdable
Speak them and be attacked and shunned and lose your livelihood
Nor should we want to play it
But in the short term
We have to
And we must demonize their offenders (who are legion)
And support our own
Or Roseanne gets fired making a bad joke (unwittingly)
And Peter Fonda calls for child rape & his movie gets released
They are saying and doing things we Normals across the country
Cam't even fathom
This is creating a backlash against their entire PC Identity Politics Grievance Mongering system
We can beat them
But we must fight first