
❓Joy Reid: What do make of his [Rudy Guiliani’s] statements attempting to mitigate the impact of this tape?
🚫🧠Avenatti: I thought they were dumb, quite honestly.
💥Avenatti (cont'd): I don’t understand what he’s doing. I continue to be perplexed by exactly what Rudy Guiliani is doing. You know, he used to be a great lawyer; he used to be a good spokesperson.
💥Avenatti (cont'd): I think he’s been nothing but a walking disaster for the president and their legal approach to this. I don’t understand why he’d say that.
💥Avenatti (cont'd): There’s no way this tape is exculpatory (meaning provides evidence of Mr. Trump’s innocence), that’s a ridiculous assertion. I don’t know why he would say that.
💥Avenatti (cont'd): But let me just say this: of all the decisions that this president has made over the last 24 months, Joy, I think the decision to place Michael Cohen on an island and not take care of him...
💥Avenatti (cont'd): ...and not keep him close will go down as one of the worst—if not the worst—decision that he made.