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Karol 🌿 @karolcummins
7 years ago, 65 tweets, 32 min read Read on Twitter

John Brennan: Trump’s Claims of No Collusion Are HOGWASH!

Adm McRaven dares 45 to revoke his SC.

Yanukovych has been charged with high treason in Ukraine, complicity in a war against UKN

📌Manafort provided image consulting to Yanukovych & members of his party.

William H. McRaven, is a retired Navy admiral, was commander of the U.S. Joint Special Operations Command from 2011 to 2014. He oversaw the 2011 Navy SEAL raid in Pakistan that killed al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden.

Trump’s military parade postponed!

Democrats Question Kavanaugh’s Testimony About Bush Nominee

Manafort jury has four questions, will continue deliberations tomorrow

British banks handled vast sums of laundered Russian money

“Death Spiral”: Omarosa Totally Triggered Trump

US Sen passes resolution w/ unanimous consent by voice vote that “affirms that the press is not the enemy of the people” & “reaffirms the vital & indispensable role that the free press serves” & “condemns the attacks on the institution of the free press

About 350 newspapers in the United States had editorials Thursday decrying President Donald Trump's description of the media as the "enemy of the people."

O’s perfectly executed Trumpian tactics, made the feud too personal for Trump to ignore

Manafort jury ??s

“Q: Is one required to file an FBAR if they own less than 50% of the company and no signatory authority?

Q: Define "shelf company"?

Q: Can you redefine reasonable doubt?

Q: Can the exhibit list be amended to include the indictment?”

Billions of dollars were moved out of RU in ‘Global Laundromat’ op, w/ anonymously owned UK COs playing major role

A fed ct just issued a nationwide injunction against the Trump admin’s attempt to suspend clean water protections under the #WOTUS rule.

Vatican calls abuse 'criminal & morally reprehensible

Musk May Face Nat’l Security Review in a Tesla-Saudi Deal

Aretha Franklin, ‘Queen of Soul’ who transformed American music, dies at 76

Mnuchin Says Turkey Faces More Sanctions If Pastor Not Released

3 Senate Dems say they have new evidence SCOTUS nominee Brett Kavanaugh was not truthful under oath in 2006 confirmation.

Civil rights advocates are objecting to a proposal to close abt 75% of polling locations in a predominantly black S Georgia county.

New Haven overdoses highlight K2 synthetic marijuana dangers

Trump's strategy is failing & the Taliban is winning

Feds probe OSU’s handling of abuse allegations against athletic doctor

DOJ, DEA propose big opioid maufacturing reduction in 2019

Genovese Crime Family Assoc Sentenced To 25 Years In Prison For Murder Conspiracy & Other Racketeering Offenses

Dems threaten to sue over release of Kavanaugh documents

Analysis: Latest Political Influence Campaign on Facebook 'Most Probably' Russian

Omarosa releases secret tape of Lara Trump offering her $15K-a-month campaign job.

The offer was apparently made just days after she was fired from the administration.

Schumer also said he plans to meet Brett Kavanaugh next week.

Whistleblower complaint filed with the SEC, re Tesla failed to disclose to shareholders that LE had uncovered an alleged drug trafficking ring involving EEs at its Gigafactory plant in NV dealing “substantial” amounts of cocaine and possibly meth.
John Brennan: Trump’s Claims of No Collusion Are HOGWASH!…
Adm McRaven dares Trump to revoke his SC.

William H. McRaven, a retired Navy admiral, was commander of the U.S. Joint Special Operations Command from 2011 to 2014. He oversaw the 2011 Navy SEAL raid in Pakistan that killed al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden.…
Yanukovych has been charged with high treason, complicity in an aggressive war against Ukraine, and complicity in premeditated activities aimed at altering Ukraine's state borders.

📌Manafort provided image consulting to Yanukovych & members of his party.…
FB did identify the pages as part of a political influence campaign being operated ahead of the US MTs. The new analysis, outlines tactics that are “correlated with the behavior patterns and content we saw from the infamous St. Petersburg troll factory,”…
About 350 newspapers in the United States had editorials Thursday decrying President Donald Trump's description of the media as the "enemy of the people."

Here are some of the newspapers blasting Trump's anti-press rhetoric.…
The Media’s Joint Response to Trump’s Attacks
Readers discuss editorials from newspapers across the country defending a free press.…
A new probe asks if OSU responded “promptly and equitably” to allegations Strauss touched athletes inappropriately during appointments & ogled them in a locker room, as well as claims officials knew or should have known about the alleged abuse.…
The Truth About Shelf Corporations

H/T @SaysDana…
The Russians are telling Trump to revoke security clearances.
Aretha Franklin, ‘Queen of Soul’ who transformed American music, dies at 76…
💥Taking down the Mob💥

SALVATORE DELLIGATTI was sentenced to 25 years in prison for conspiring to participate in the Genovese Organized Crime Family of La Cosa Nostra through a pattern of racketeering activity, conspiring and attempting to commit murder.…
Elon Musk will likely need clearance from U.S. national security officials for any proposal to take Tesla Inc. private with financing from Saudi Arabia, just as the Trump administration steps up scrutiny of foreign investment in American technology.…
Trump Calls On Justice Department to Sue Opioid Companies

Trump asks Attorney General Jeff Sessions to bring federal lawsuit, separate from state and local litigation against drugmakers…
“US Sen passes reso w/ unanimous consent by voice vote that “affirms that the press is not the enemy of the people” and “reaffirms the vital & indispensable role that the free press serves” and “condemns the attacks on the institution of the free press.””
The Vatican broke its silence on Thursday about a Pennsylvania grand jury report that detailed decades of sexual abuses by priests and cover-ups by bishops, calling the accusations "criminal and morally reprehensible."…
Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said the U.S. is ready to slap Turkey with more sanctions if President Recep Tayyip Erdogan refuses the quick release of an American pastor, escalating a diplomatic rift that has roiled global financial markets.…

Stay focused folks! Omarosa is a deliberate distraction.
Pay attention to the Manafort Trial & Trump & Ghouliani mob ties. Research!
British banks handled vast sums of laundered Russian money

Exclusive: Billions of dollars were moved out of Russia in ‘Global Laundromat’ operation, with anonymously owned UK companies playing major role…

Was Giuliani the “insider” that allowed 9/11 to happen?…
“Death Spiral”: Why Omarosa Totally Triggered Trump
The perceived betrayal of a longtime female ally, and her perfectly executed Trumpian tactics, made the feud too personal to ignore.…


The lumbering Russian bear is about to prove it can be nimble on its feet when it has to be.
The issue is financial crime & it is the Group of Seven (G7), the world's richest nations, who want Russia to dance to its tune.

H/T @texdj123…
Whistleblower complaint filed with the SEC, re Tesla failed to disclose to shareholders that LE had uncovered an alleged drug trafficking ring involving EEs at its Gigafactory plant in NV dealing “substantial” amounts of cocaine and possibly meth.…

The Ex-Spy Behind the Trump-Russia Dossier Left a Clue for Mueller
Christopher Steele told a reporter that one real-estate deal might be key to understanding the collusion case.
H/T @texdj123…

Tower of secrets: the Russian money behind a Donald Trump skyscraper

The Trump Toronto reveals links between shadowy post-Soviet wealth and a future president

H/T @texdj123…

Robert Mueller Jumps Onto the Trump Money Trail

📌Remember the Dossier said to follow the money.

H/T @texdj123…

Is Money-Laundering the Real Trump Kompromat?

H/T @texdj123…
TrumpRussian Active Measures:

Bomb threat made at Boston Globe after editorial condemning Trump…
‼️Oldie But Goodie‼️

A wealthy commodities trader who gave thousands of dollars to Mayor Giuliani’s mayoral campaigns and landed a post on the city’s Economic Development Corp. was linked to alleged Russian mobsters.

H/T @meduza_x…
A 2000 inv bio revealed that Giuliani's love/hate deal with the Mob included his own fam: His Dad & uncle had Mafia ties. Uncle Leo D'Avanzo ran a loan-sharking and gambling op out of a Brooklyn bar & used his dad Harold as muscle to collect unpaid debts.…
A longtime supporter and even government partner of former NYC Mayor Rudolph Giuliani is part of the network of mafia & RU government operatives that has long, & is raising questions about collusion or manipulation of Trump and those close to him.…
US Authorities believe Kislin had helped launder millions for the RUmafia & helped bring in Anton Malevsky who was believed by the FBI to be a RU mafia hitman, & linked to Vyacheslav Ivankov’s RUmob crew based in Brighton Beach as a “member or associate.”…
Vyacheslav Ivankov reported to RUmob “boss of bosses” Semion Mogilevich, perhaps the most powerful mobster in the world today, a financial mastermind for long-term schemes, a top concern of the FBI for decades, and a and ally of Putin, who shields him.…
Kislin:1980s, Trump bought 200 TVs for one of his hotels from an store run by Kislin & Kislin’s business partner, Tamir Sapir, from SSR of Georgia. Their store was a known hot-spot for Sr government officials, spies, and politicians from the Soviet Union.…
MSM reported on Kislin’s alleged RUmob connex in 1999, in the early 2000s, Kislin brokered a deal for Trump for a condo in Trump World Tower for buyer Vasily Salygin, who soon became an off’l in Ukraine’s P of R when Manafort was its chief pol strategist.…
Re: Giuliani’s longstanding relationship with Kislin and the cast of shady characters involved in the Trump-RU saga in Kislin’s orbit, lead to more questions that need answers by everyone, including Giuliani, especially as rep 4 Trump & RU needs scrutiny…
1997: Mayor Rudolph W. Giuliani said that the police detective who fatally shot a cook during a raid at a social club in Queens early Saturday had acted properly, while lawyers for the man's family accused the police of having overreacted.…
The Italian mafia plotted to murder Rudy Giuliani, the former mayor of New York, a turncoat has told investigators.
The assassination was ordered by Toto “The Beast” Riina, the then head of Cosa Nostra in Sicily and one of the most feared mafia godfathers…
FBI Dir Mueller,joined by two former FBI Dirs & several Italian dignitaries in paying tribute to Falcone, noted, “Long before ‘globalization’ became part of our vernacular,

📌Judge Falcone recognized that no one dept or country could fight crime alone.…
Aretha Franklin R.I.P.

These Aretha Franklin Lyrics Best Capture Her Unforgettable Spirit…
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