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THE_EAGLE™🦅🇳🇬 @iamthe_eagle
, 85 tweets, 34 min read Read on Twitter

Before we get down to business, lets have a recap of PT1
Kate narrated how she turned down mark’s proposal despite the sacrifices he made.
Read below.👇

Brethren, Grab your popcorn. Issa suspense filled thread.

Now, Let’s get down to business.
Shall we?

“You have been sentenced to 25 years in prison with hard labour.” The Judge said. The sound of the Gavel shattered my heart. I can still hear the echoes of the Gavel." Kate said.
“Mum, How did you end up in prison?” Chi asked.
“Hmmm. Where did I stop last week?” Kate asked.
“Where you turned down Marks proposal.”
“Ok. Let’s Continue.”
Mark visited mum, she told him my decision was beyond her control.
Mark was devastated. He phoned everyday, I rejected his calls.
Weeks later, He bumped into Chucks and I kissing at a mall.
“So what I have been hearing is true.” Mark said.
“Yeah, she’s mine now.” Chuks replied holding my waist. I was speechless.

We left him rooted to the spot.
“Kate, where have I gone wrong?” Mark asked.
As he tried to touch my hands Chuks pushed him back.

“I don’t want to ever see you close to her.” Chuks threatened.
I was still speechless. Tears streamed down Mark’s eyes.

I couldn’t bear the sight as I turned my back on him.
With Mark gone, My entire focus was on Chuks.

All I could imagine was a beautiful life with Chuks, a life of enjoyment, fulfillment and riches.

Money they say is the spice of love. We had fun in ways I could never imagine. I fell in love over and over again.
Without much persuasion from chuks, Mum and I relocated with him to lagos.
We hired a manager for the Calabar club while mum was put in a special facility in Lagos.

Chuks house was bigger than I imagined. The array of flashy cars was a sight to behold. “Poverty is a bastard”
The Lagos club was massive. I begged to manage it. He laughed.
“Clubs in calabar are glorified beer parlors, anyone can manage it. Here in Lagos, It's beyond drinking and dancing. Business deals are struck here.” He said.
“And What would I be doing?”
“You'll have fun.” He replied
As weeks went by, I became more possessive of chuks as I watched girls drool over him at the club.
Occasionally, I had to block their advances to prove he was mine.
I confronted him over the issue.
“It’s all part of the fun.” He said with a wry smile.
Everything went well until I had my first confrontation.

A girl blocked my car as I drove out of the house one day.
“Run for your Life! This is the best time to leave chuks.” She screamed and drove off.

I was puzzled.
I got home and narrated my experience to chuks.
“They are just jealous of you.” Chuks assured..
I grinned.

In less than a month, I had received several text messages telling me to leave chuks. I totally ignored them based on chuks assurance.
I was at a salon when an elderly lady walked up to me. “Drop everything and run for your life.” She looked scared for me.

“Run from who and why?” I asked.
“Chuks is a beast.”
“How dare you call my man a beast?” I retorted
“Someday, you’ll know why.” She said and left.
At home, I was worried. I checked all the messages I Ignored, They had one thing in common. ‘Run for your life.’
I phoned my mum and told her everything.
She summoned me.

“There’s no smoke without fire.” She said.
“Call any of the numbers and set up a meeting to hear what they have to say about him.” She added.
I checked my inbox to dial the numbers sending the messages. They were mostly private.

I finally found a number I could dial, It was unavailable.
I got to the salon where I met the lady. I described her, The hair she fixed the day she met me, but none of the staffs could identify her.
As I left the salon disappointed, a girl ran after me. “Ma, I know who you’re looking for, Call this number.” She said handing a piece of paper to me.
I thanked her.

I dialled the number and she picked up immediately.
“Meet me at Ikeja city mall by 2pm, I’ll be at the balcony of silverbird Cinema. Use a taxi” She said.

As I hung up the phone, chuks security men blocked my car.
I was surprised to see them. “Madam, Your attention is urgently needed at home.”
I checked my watch, it was 11:45am. I decided use the opportunity to drop my car, So I could take a taxi.

I got home and every where was quiet. I wondered what the emergency could be. As I stepped out the gate was locked.
“Madam, You’re not going anywhere.” said the security whose chest could bend iron.
I was shocked.

“Why? On whose orders?” I asked.
He kept mute.

“I’ll make sure chuks fires with you.” I threatened
He gave me a stern look.
I tried to force my way through the gate. He lifted me on his shoulders and took me inside. I cursed and struggled with all my strength but I couldn’t release myself from his grip. He locked me inside.

I got irritated and called chuks, His line was busy.
I dialed the lady’s number, and told her to reschedule the visit.
She asked If I was Ok. I told her everything was fine.

I stayed indoors till late. Chuks finally arrived. I reported the security to him. He feigned a smile.
“I will deal with them.” He assured.
Chuks summoned the 4 security men in the compound. As they walked in, I pointed at the one who locked me in.

Chuks snapped his fingers and 8 more security men emerged. They were incredibly huge.

I was glad he’ll deal with all of them.
What happened next shocked me.
He brought out a little gadget which bore semblance with a dictaphone. He played all my phone conversations.

I realised my phone was wiretapped.
Chucks ordered the security to seize my phone. “Make sure she doesn’t leave this premises.” He said.
I was shocked. I saw a different side of chucks that day.
For the first time I felt like running.
I knelt down and begged him.
His reply.
Chuks discharged the security men.

He ripped my clothes and began a forceful bout of samankwe.
I let him have his way. He got bored and brought out a whip.
I begged.
“You’ve had it your way all this while, Now its time to do it my way.” He asserted.

He flogged me as he thrusted.
The perimeter of the house was heavily guarded.

I was trapped indoors for weeks, he came home regularly to have life threatening sex romps and left.

The torture became unbearable.
I cried for days.
Gradually I began to accept the reality of being chuks’ sex slave.
“Mum, Chuks was heartless.” Chi said.
“That was little compared to what I discovered.” Kate remarked.

“What could be worse than that? Chi asked.
“Let me continue.”
I believed there was more to Chuks beatings as I was still shocked about Chuks sudden change in personality.

I decided to do my findings about chuks. I searched the entire house for any trace of what made people tell me to run.
I ransacked each room and arranged it everyday before he returned. It was a huge mansion. It took me 5 days to check every room.
I still couldn't find any trace. I was getting worried.
see, the height of frustration is looking for what you have no idea of.

I was fed up, I felt like taking my life.

I got angry and smashed a stool on a large portrait of chuks at the lobby.
Everybody, say suddenly.

SUDDENLY... SUDDENLY... in Fela's Voice.
The portrait fell to reveal a door knob.

I opened the knob and a cold mist poured out. It was chilly, I struggled to see through the mist.
When the mist had settled, what I saw shocked me.

I almost screamed but held myself.
There was money littered all over the floor.

As I drew closer, I saw a mini shrine with 2 coffins wide open. each coffin had a girl trapped inside. One was totally decayed while the other was still recognisable. I couldn't bear the sight as I ran into the room.
I knew this was it. I finally understood why everyone told me to run.

It dawned on me that I would be used for ritual.
“Mum how did you escape.” Chi asked.

“Hmmm. Let me continue.” Kate replied.
Two things crossed my mind.
If you were in my position what would you do?

I chose the suicide option.

I rushed to the kitchen and searched for a knife, I couldn't find any. Chuks had removed every sharp object from the house.

I decided to go upstairs and jump. As I headed to the balcony, my guts failed me.
I decided to wait for chuks return. I cried till tears could flow no more.

I cried in front of a mirror to have a last look at myself when a thought crossed my mind.
I headed to the lobby and placed the fallen portrait in its initial position.
I mopped the floor dry to hide any trace of the cold mist that touched the floor.
Waiting for chuks felt like eternity.

He finally arrived at 2a.m. He headed straight to the room.
I welcomed him. He pushed me to the bed to begin his usual sexcapade. I let him have his way without any struggle. He began flogging me with his belt while thrusting from behind.
I endured the pain.

I waited for him to let the juice out, I knew that was when he'll be vulnerable. As he moaned in ecstasy of his ejaculation, I stabbed his neck with a broken mirror.

He struggled with me, but I kept stabbing to weaken him. He finally gave up the ghost.
I had seen movies where a villain presumed dead, resurrects to attack the main character.

I took no chances and kept stabbing his lifeless body. His body was a total mess. Till date I had no idea where I got the courage to do that.
I locked the door and called the police with chuks phone.

Minutes later, I heard a knock on the door. I thought the police had arrived. As I approached the door, I heard his security call out.
"Oga! Is there a problem?"

I kept mute. The security kept knocking.
As there was no response, the knocks progressed to a heavy thud on the door.
They struggled to break the metal door.

One of the door hinges flew out. I quickly locked myself in the toilet.
As they made another hit, i heard the bolt open.

"Oga Is dead." one of the securities exclaimed.

"Break the wardrobe and the toilet door." exclaimed the other.

I knew this was the end of me. I closed my eyes to say my last prayer.
As they proceeded to the toilet door I held the broken mirror and prepared to take my life once they break it.

Suddenly, I heard the sound of a police siren.
The security left the room. The police broke into the bathroom and found me. I was glad.
I was taken to the police station that night. I narrated everything to them, but they found it hard to believe.

The next morning I was taken to the house in handcuffs to show them the coffins I had seen. People of the press followed me.
When we got there, I pullded down the portrait, opened the door knob and tod the police to see for themselves.
"Madam, There's nothing here." said the policeman.
I was shocked

The room was cleaned up. A bed, table and couch was fixed in. I felt like a fool. No one believed me.
Several blogs carried the news calling me all sorts of names, they said I murdered an innocent man to abscond with his wealth.

Mark visited me in prison, I was too ashamed to see him. I summoned courage to narrate the story to him. He promised to get a lawyer to vindicate me.
The 2 ladies who warned me about chuks visited me in prison.

The elderly woman's daughter dated chuks for a year and got missing.
The First Lady I encountered also had a friend who dated chuks for a year and got missing.

They were shocked when I narrated what I saw.
They explained that they both took him to court on several occasions in the past. After prolong trials he was always vindicated.
There was something unique about their stories.

Both girls got missing after they became pregnant.

Could it be that chuks was using pregnant women for his rituals? I thought.
I believed the girls in that cold room were the missing girls.
A date was fixed for my trial. Both ladies testified as witnesses.

Mark's lawyer was good, but late Chuks' lawyer was better.

After much deliberation a judgement was passed.
Since there was no evidence to prove chuks was a ritualist & nothing to prove I murdered chuks for self defense, I was sentenced to 25years imprisonment with hard labour.

Mark was devastated. Mum slumped on hearing the news. I couldn't attend her funeral.
Chuks was a popular figure before his untimely death due to his lavish spending.

People protested that I should have been given life imprisonment or death penalty for murder of a man they believed to be innocent..
I was in prison and realised I hadn't seen my period.
As weeks went by my stomach grew bigger.
I was pregnant for the man I murdered in cold blood.
In 9months, I gave birth to you.
Mark promised to take care of you. We made an agreement to hide my identity till your 18th birthday
Mark eventually got married to Alice, the woman you thought was your mum. It was a tough decision for him to take.
Now that you're 18, you'll get lots of advances from men, please use your head. Not all that glitters is gold.
Date a man who will go the extra mile to make you happy over the one that buys your heart.
I learnt my lesson the hard way, I wouldn't want you to follow suit.
"I'm so sorry mum. So you have 6 years left." Chi asked.
"yes dear" Kate replied.
"I can't wait for your release."
"I look forward to that day. I love you dear."
"I love you mum."

***THE END***
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I'm off to prepare the next story.
See you next Tuesday.

Happy Eid-el-Kabir.
Keep soaring.🦅
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