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Thread by @RajeevSrinivasa: "now reading this ebook by @CatherineNixey about the destruction of and by . we are seeing […]" #thedarkeningage #greek #roman #culture

, 12 tweets, 7 min read
now reading this ebook by @CatherineNixey #thedarkeningage about the destruction of #greek and #roman #culture by #christians. we are seeing the same in action re destruction/#digestion of #hindu culture in india today by the same folks.
no, not ISIS. christians. the first page of the book.
the tyrant. we saw this in #antonio #maino's NAC, which turned into law the RTE, and was about to turn into law the Communal Violence Bill, which essentially made all Hindus criminals. expect the roman christian behavior as in this excerpt if @incindia comes back to power. 👇
more about the end of the 1000-year-old academy and of greco-roman civilization in general. we can see this happening in india in front of our very eyes.
In fact, you can know the incense smell of an ancient pagan temple by visiting any Hindu shrine
So why should Hindus convert either? We have no reason to.
how they got people to convert: jaziya. now same in form of RTE in india. and it looks like bishops have had a good run since constantine's days. what a great job! #ArrestBishopFranco for rape of nun, btw
still the same: the unilateral declaration that the old gods are demons. isn't this standard logic applied by uncouth missionaries against hindu deities as well? this augustine fellow, lionized as some great, turns out to be a standard-issue fascist. reminds me of commie rants
explains the attitudes towards hinduism of indian converts. my old maid, a convert, would not touch prasadam after conversion. they literally think our gods are demons. i was told this by 10-year old philip in school. i was shocked, but came back with, "your gods are our devils".
why christians run around trying to de-Hinduize every practice in india. explains the HC forcing removal of sarasvati statue from orissa university, SC banning dahi handi, jallikettu, diwali fireworks. the SC thinks like augustine. or ISIS. same thing.
the glee with which kerala commies and non-hindus talk about eating beef is another symptom of the same thing: they want to de-hinduize, terrorize, convert, the population, or force it into migrating. ethnic cleansing of hindus is the agenda.
note: tertullian, 'saint' who said: "I believe [in Jesus] because it's absurd". credo quia absurdum. he was right about 2nd part.

but the same thing is being applied to hindus now. just like romans, we would have no objection to adding jesus to the pantheon. but no, ONLY jesus!
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