I am Not Tired,Never Will be!
It’s my duty to Expose & Fight the #AntiHindu sepoys of the Western masters ‘promoting #HinduPhobia
धर्म एव हतो हन्ति धर्मो रक्षति रक्षितः
Dharma alone can maintain the Society
धारणात धर्म मित्याहु धर्मो धारयति प्रजाः

#Hinduphobia #CongressAssaultsSaints #AtrocityLiterature

Ganesha trunk=limp phallus
Broken tusk=castration
Brahmachari’s staff=ditachable penis
Bindi=drop of menstrual blood
Mantras=inarticulate moans of goddess during intercourse
#IAmHindu #IWillFight
its tragic that Indian Classics are banished from 🇮🇳higher education @PrakashJavdekar
Indology studies remain with Western universities,run by W scholars,funded by church & W governments
Hindus aren’t legitimate experts of #Hinduism ??

‘Hindus:An alternative History’ & Penguin was field by Shiksha Bachao Andolan headed by Dina Nath Batra
@advmonikaarora handled it brilliantly.
Unable to defend,after 4yrs of litigation,the publisher & author withdrew the book from 🇮🇳

Foolish Indians turned her into a celebrity!
A wholesale distortion of #Hindu texts comes from her students,
‘Kali’s child’ by Jeffrey Kripal being one of them

Memberships of dissenting voices r cancelled
American Universities prescribe her📚 on Hinduism
Critics aren’t invited to any of the🇮🇳Literary Festivals where she’s made a celebrity

with little/no knowledge of #Hinduism
the secular sepoys of West @Ram_Guha @waglenikhil @sagarikaghose @sardesairajdeep ilks promoted WD
English educated #Hindus took the Whitewoman claming to be Sanskrit expert as trure
“ #IAmHindu
#IWillFight & replace #HinduPhobia by the #GloriousHinduHeritage
I shall write, debate, expose these fake scholars of #Hinduism”
#BharatKiBaat #MannKiBaat @narendramodi @AmitShah @PrakashJavdekar