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Thread by @Marianne_M_B: "Why are survivors of C(I)A under tremendous attack? C(I)A creating slaves for spying and […]" #mindcontrol #ChildSexTrafficking #HumanTrafficking #NWO

4 tweets, 3 min read
Why are survivors of C(I)A #mindcontrol
under tremendous attack?

C(I)A creating slaves for #ChildSexTrafficking #HumanTrafficking spying and other purposes & crimes is biggest intel drop in decades!

Ending their #mindcontrol matrix will be the death blow to Cabal’s #NWO.
@RealCathyOBrien and Mark have lead the way.
As a survivor of C(I)A #mindcontrol, I owe both of them a debt of gratitude.
Mark and Cathy’s boldness speaking out and Cathy’s books and positive attitude have been a light in my life.

Courage - Hope - Healing - Light -Love - Joy
Being a survivor of this stuff is extremely isolating.
It’s nearly impossible to trust anyone.

The very few people I open the door to are fellow victims/survivors and, even they must prove themselves safe and gain my trust.

Always pray to the LORD and use discernment. 🕊
The worst thing done, bottom line is the destruction of our ability to trust, to even trust ourselves.

I just want to stay in a place of worship right now because the Lord is my All and it is Him alone I trust unconditionally.
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