Lot's of conflicting noise around. Firm predictions a mug's game.
So here's what I know, after chats with both sides 1/Thread
On the positive side....a gathering political momentum for quick progress. This is shared jointly in London (which wants vote by Xmas) but also, EU sources say, by Tusk/Junker who are frankly bored with Brexit
But opposing this... /2
At October EUCO there was also a sense from Macron/Merkel, I understand, that they could run to DEC.
a) a tactical move, dangling the carrot, sucking teeth, puffing cheeks to signal May needs to make deep concessions to win her November prize (you cd question tactics of No 10 has advertising its desperation)
Recall that for months @MichelBarnier and the Commission has said it was impossible/illegal.
Now they have been bounced into doing it, but Barnier still has same mandate to protect EU27 interests... /6
Per sources, the legal and political advice (important in EU) that says Barnier can deliver CU in WA (ie under Article 50) is also clear on two points:
a) it must be as a 'bridge' to the future... /7


For all that goodwill pushing one way, pushing back is the reality that hastily forcing big future relationship issues into the Withdrawal Agreement opens a Pandora's Box of new issues.
Take fish for one...
So question (which everyone assumed would be part of future talks after Mar 2019) is the UK giving access to UK fishing grounds to EU fishing boats? /10
And UK politicians, who have talked a big game on fish and 'taking back control' may not want to give an answer. /11
If Article 50 is to be used as legal base for backstop and all-UK relationship, it needs to be a 'bridge' - to where? to what?
Again tough questions for Mrs May. Can she admit that it's not "Norway for Now", but really, "Backstop for Now".../12
And if we can get this deal, as @DavidDavisMP points out, what will the concessions be on level-playing field etc. They are likely to be pretty deep. /14
She's desperate for a deal, but to get one, she may have to make concessions that (while logically inevitable for months to anyone prepared to remove their blinkers) will not make this an easy sell in Westminster. /15
So how does it play out?
One old hand sees MS getting a 'skeleton' next week, capitals give comments, a full draft (pre-cooked as it was) is produced and.../18
Which of these will it be? Hate to disappoint, but I don't know. /19
Also FWIW, latest I hear on next UK cabinet is Tuesday.
If I had to bet, I'd say December. But happy to be wrong. 20/ENDS