Which side is talking about what MATTERS?
USA 327
KSA 34
Iran 82
Yemen 29
Lebanon 6
Syria 18
Israel 8
Russia 144
China 1,415
*Rounded, source: worldometers.info/world-populati…

"The world is a very dangerous place!"
This first line drags us back to the reality that:
>Yes, people get murdered & it's terrible.
>The whole world IS a very dangerous place, so we must make excellent decisions.
>a bloody proxy war against Saudi Arabia in Yemen
>trying to destabilize Iraq’s fragile attempt at democracy
>supporting the terror group Hezbollah in Lebanon...
>propping up dictator Bashar Assad in Syria (who has killed millions of his own citizens),
>and much more.
FOUR examples (and much more) of FAR WORSE ATROCITIES committed by Iran, against whom the relationship with Saudi Arabia is absolutely essential.
Got it?
>many Americans
>and other innocent people throughout the Middle East.
Iran states openly, and with great force, “Death to America!” and “Death to Israel!”
Iran is considered “the world’s leading sponsor of terror.”
MSM: Crickets.
MSM: Crickets
The USA needs to increase its wealth IN ORDER TO keep its people (and others) safer, and that necessarily includes providing humanitarian aid to the victims of aggressors like Iran.
The USA can't afford to stop saving lives in this way.
"does NOT condone"
"against those ALREADY KNOWN" = will do the same if others are KNOWN to have been involved.
He uses the word know/known 3 times in just this para. #DueProcess #BelieveEvidence #NotAllegations

He's making clear that JK's actions DO NOT justify murder.
That says a lot, doesn't it?
but the MSM narrative is that POTUS doesn't believe them. Actually he does believe them since he took over, on Russian interference, and everything else.
He comments on what is known, as it is known.
That being said, we may never know all of the facts...
In any case, our relationship is with the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia."
Absolutely crucial last point there.
A country's relationship should always be with the country, not individual leaders. Under President Trump, this is the case, despite appearances.
The MSM ignore the official stuff in favor of tabloid nonsense.
[USA] intends to remain a steadfast partner of [KSA] to ensure the interests of:
>our country
>and all other partners in the region."
Key word: Intends. He's not writing them a blank check.
He said several times that it could. Reality.
Of course he knows it can never be fully eliminated. That take misses the point.
This goal is crucial for the USA. Those who ignore it are dangerous, self-interested fools.
Promoting aspirational goals is core business for Presidents. They have all done it.
This one is a bit more achievable than hope and change.
#HopeIsNotAPlan #WakeUp #WalkAway
A huge portion of American voters allowed the war to go on the back burner for a years because they found it icky.
Thankfully, a larger portion of voters remembered just in time that there's a war on.
In this statement, Trump denounces the murder & makes the case for regaining proper perspective.
Trump has ALWAYS been open to considering opposing points of view, and ALWAYS chooses national security.
#PrincipledRealism #TrumpDoctrine #PeaceThroughStrength

I am trying to outline for y'all the key aspects of the #TrumpDoctrine in foreign policy.
HE places #AmericaFirst when considering national security. Period.
BUT BUT this is just about oil profits! #KeepItInTheGround and other inane slogans...
If the US abandons KSA over ONE murder case (ignoring the millions caused by Iran), your gas prices will SKYROCKET.
Facts don't care about your feelings.
"As President of the United States I intend to ensure that, in a very dangerous world, America is pursuing its national interests and vigorously contesting countries that wish to do us harm. Very simply it is called America First!"
>pursuing its national interests and
>vigorously contesting countries that wish to do us harm."
"Vigorously contesting" is a great descriptor for what Trump is doing re countries like Iran.
We CAN fight back & we are.