or you can just be yourself.
They will call you weak because you
avoid conflict and drama.
They will call you obsessed for being
passionate about the things you love.
They will call you rude for not
engaging in social pleasantries.
They will call you boring for not being extrovert.
They will call you wrong for having different beliefs.
They will call you shy when you choose not to interact in small talk.
They will call you fake for trying
your best to remain positive.
They will call you a loner because you’re comfortable being on your own.
They will call you a geek for being
a knowledge-seeker.
They will call you ugly for not
looking like celebrities.
They will call you dumb for not being an academic.
differently from others.
They will call you cheap for knowing value for money.
They will call you disloyal for distancing yourself from negative people.
You don’t have to play the part they want you to play.