Day 707 of NO EVIDENCE produced by Trump that his phones were tapped by Obama.
The FISA warrant Trump referenced targeted Carter Page. #TrumpLies

Day 495 since the deadliest mass shooting on U.S soil in Las Vegas that killed 58, injuring 546.
Although a bump stock ban takes effect in 37 days, Congress must take action to prevent future mass shootings. #NeverForget #NeverAgain #EnoughIsEnough

There have been 5,500+ incidents of gun violence/crime, 1,500+ gun deaths, and 2,600+ gun injuries in the first 40 completed days of 2019.
Visit @GunDeaths for up-to-date statistics and information

People killed by gun last year:
Japan: 10
Sweden: 41
Switzerland: 47
UK: 50
Israel: 105
Australia: 207
Total Population: 246,959,950
Total Guns: 8,804,000
Total Gun Deaths: 460
United States...
Population: 329,093,106
Guns: 393,347,000
Gun Deaths: 39,773
“Gun violence is arguably one of the greatest public health epidemics facing the nation everyone in this room loves and serves." #NationalEmergency…
Many years of warnings.
2 tragic crashes.
17 sailors dead.
Here's an attempt to document aspects of their lives:
FYI: The Trump admin has quietly resumed separating immigrant families at the border.
At one agency, the children were put into temporary foster care and shelters with little or no indication that they arrived at the border with their parents:
Reminder: The Trump administration is systematically locking up thousands of children at unheard of rates - now almost 15,000 are in U.S. custody.
The government classifies these children as "unaccompanied"
Thousands more kids may have been separated from their parents at the border under the Trump administration than was previously thought, according to an internal government report.
Missing migrant children are being funnelled to a Christian adoption agency tied to the Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos.
Put together the pieces of the Trump inauguration scandal, and it's becoming all but obvious Trump personally directed serious crimes…
The W.H. acting chief of staff, Mick Mulvaney, has no answers when asked on MTP about the administration refusal to comply with legal requirement to determine if the Saudi crown prince is responsible for murder of Jamal Khashoggi. “I don’t know the status of the report.”
House Foreign Affairs Ranking Republican Mike McCaul says the Trump admin is failing to meet the requirements of the Global Magnitsky Act over Jamal Khashoggi, urges the admin to "immediately comply with the requirements of the law."
Here's a story from April about David Pecker's attempts to woo Saudis, with White House help, as he sought financing and business opportunities
Saudi Minister of State for Foreign Affairs @AdelAljubeir says he doesn’t yet know where Jamal Khashoggi’s body is: “We are still investigating...I would expect that eventually we will find the truth”
Where's Khashoggi’s body?!?
6 Days remain until the temporary bill providing fiscal appropriations through February 15, 2019 expires.
If Congress & Trump do not agree on a fiscal year spending bill, government agencies will again be shut down.

“I think talks are stalled right now,” Richard Shelby says on Fox, just days before another shutdown.
Lot of pessimism this morning about a deal; on Friday, lawmakers were optimistic a deal was within reach. Shelby now: “I’m not confident we’re going to get there.”
Mulvaney: 'Absolutely cannot' rule out another government shutdown
GOP Rep. Liz Cheney on whether Congress will reach a deal to avert a government shutdown: “I’m hopeful that this committee will come up with a proposal … but it’s going to have to include funding that will allow us to secure the border”
Liz Cheney asked about Trump's comments, pivots to attacking Warren.
Alarm bells going off in Trump world as Nikki Haley to be guest of honor at top GOP donor dinner: "To spotlight key surrogates for the congressional races of 2020." Effectual truth: To spotlight a possible replacement for Trump in 2020.…
Billionaires flooded Republican coffers just before the tax cuts passed. From the time the tax bill was introduced until the end of the year, dozens of billionaires & millionaires dramatically boosted contributions, giving $31.1 million in 2 months.
The Trump admin has placed ex-Koch Industries official in charge of research that'll shape how the govt regulates toxic chemicals contaminating Americans' drinking water — an issue that could have major financial repercussions for Koch Industries.…
Trump's trade policies have sent US agricultural exports plunging, exacerbating already difficult economic conditions facing farmers. Average farm income has fallen to near 15-year lows under Trump, and in some areas, farm bankruptcies are soaring.…
Shortly after Trump vowed to end HIV transmission in the U.S., DOJ announced a lawsuit to halt the creation of supervised injection sites, which exist to prevent opioid overdoses and the sharing of contaminated needles by intravenous drug users.…
House Financial Services Chairwoman Maxine Waters is in talks with Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin, under pressure to explain the Trump admin's controversial move to ease Russia sanctions, about appearing before Waters' committee.…
Adam Schiff: "What we're interested in is: Does [Trump] have business dealings with Russia such that it compromises the U.S. ... That's a different form of collusion, but it is equally compromising to the country."…
MUELLER's team tipped its hand a bit last week, revealing that it might be a pursuing a theory of collusion based partly on PAUL MANAFORT's conversations with KONSTANTIN KILIMNIK about a Russia-Ukraine peace plan that was seen as favoring Russia.…
Trump might be in jail by the time Election Day comes, Elizabeth Warren said on her first full day of campaigning.
"By the time we get to 2020, Donald Trump may not even be President," Warren said. "In fact, he may not even be a free person."…
Amy Klobuchar as she announces her 2020 bid: "We are tired of the shutdowns and the showdowns, of the gridlock and the grandstanding.
Today, on this snowy day on this island, we say enough is enough." Via ABC
Amy Klobuchar makes it official.
"At a time when we must heal the heart of our democracy and renew our commitment to the common good, I stand before you ... to announce my candidacy for President of the United States."
Combining ignorance and pettiness in one tweet.
On Trump's global warming tweet: "Just because some of us are suffering through a particularly cold & snowy winter doesn't refute that the globe is warming as we continue to pump carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases into the atmosphere."…
Amy Klobuchar fires back at Trump: "I wonder how your hair would fare in a blizzard?"
The small city of Sandusky, Ohio, has declared Election Day a paid holiday — by swapping it out with Columbus Day.
Despite a reported internal investigation into leaks, Axios just obtained four of Trump's private schedules from last week.
The schedules show Trump spent 50% of the four days last week in non-structured "Executive Time." That's right: 50%.…
Mulvaney Hopes to Know Who Leaked Trump's 'Executive Time' Schedule By End of Week
Trump, who reportedly suffers from rosacea, applies his own make-up before TV appearances, and has even adjusted the lighting at White House events to avoid appearing too orange onscreen.…
Every president since Nixon has voluntarily given their tax returns. Trump hasn’t.
There’s a reason for that, he has a lot to hide.
In case you missed yesterday's thread: