A nice frank start to a new documentary on geoengineering (30min)!
But, I do have a few issues on communication... (THREAD)
2/ iopscience.iop.org/article/10.108…
3/ cicero.oslo.no/no/posts/klima…
CCS: Don't emit as much CO₂ while still using fossil fuels (Fig c)
CDR: Physically remove CO₂ from the atmosphere (Figs c, d, e, f, h))
SRM: Directly manage Earth's energy balance
5/ rdcu.be/boDt7
* Mitigation: cheap (relatively)
* CCS (clean coal): costly
* CDR (via DAC): expensive
* SRM: "too cheap"
They have different costs, as they do different things. That is a key point...
(Overall, good job @ericperipatetic, I am just venting my daily frustrations...). Thanks @dmichie66 for pointing me to the show!