The Strike Will Be Fast.
Let's Keep Playing...
Promoting defamation, curating/shadow banning with political bias... Sounds like Twitter should be treated as a publisher.…

-1st of MANY lawsuits
-Twitter proliferating [#FakeNews] with the ALGORITHMS THEY DEVELOP
-If Twitter wants to be in the pub sq & don't want to be content developers, come clean, GIVE US ALL YOUR ALGORITHMS
#QAnon #TwitterCensorship #HANNITY
-This is part of the cont Russia inv, we're not going to let these #FakeNews stories...about this inv, about this [#RussiaHoax] that were lies, we're going to challenge every single one of them in court, we're just starting w/ @Twitter #QAnon
-We're talking about FaceBook [Lifelog] and some others, it's incalculable how much that assists a narrative or a point of view.
#QAnon #Facebook #Lifelog #FacebookIsLifelog #CIAMassSurveillence
-How much more is coming... I'm told part of an avalanche
#QAnon #DeclasFISA #FISAgate
-50 names referred to still interview
-Info that's still classified
-20 pages of FISA application
-Bruce Ohr's FBI 302's
#QAnon #DeclasFISA #BruceOhr #FISAgate
-Starting with @Twitter & going on to the other #FakeNews stories... IT'S IMPORTANT TO KNOW WHO'S PUTTING THOSE STORIES OUT.
#QAnon #Shadowban

#QAnon #TwitterCensorship #Shadowban #Shadowbanned #WWG1WGA
@realDonaldTrump @DevinNunes