(Source: nbcnews.com/news/us-news/t…)

(Source: nbcnews.com/news/us-news/t…)
(Source: justice.gov/file/1124706/d…)

(Source: justice.gov/file/1124706/d…)

(Source: documentcloud.org/documents/5740…)

(Source: nytimes.com/2016/07/28/us/…)

(Source: int.nyt.com/data/documenth…)

(Source: int.nyt.com/data/documenth…)

(Source: int.nyt.com/data/documenth…)

(Source: int.nyt.com/data/documenth…)

(Source: theatlantic.com/politics/archi…)

(Source: documentcloud.org/documents/5740…)

Every bit of this thread is proven and broadly agreed upon fact. No “twitterati” spin, no “liberal media” wringing of hands. Stone. Cold. Fact.
March 15, 2016: Russia began its hack into the DCCC
May 2016: Pappadop tells Australia Russia has emails of HRC
Perhaps that’s all bluster and just a really lucky guess...
July 27, 2016: Russia attempts to find the 30,000 missing emails
Also, could be really lucky timing...
June or July 2016: Roger Stone told Trump Campaign Russia has emails
June 9, 2016: Trump Jr. meets with Kush, Manafort, Veselnitskaya etc at Trump Tower re: dirt on HRC (exact term Papadapoulos used with the Aussie in May)
Aug 2016: Stone messages RU
Throughout, Stone updates the Trump Campaign as to the status of the document drops.
Stone was charged Jan 25, 2019 and was clearly linked to the Russian hack and dissemination February 15, 2019 in a case that has yet to be completed
How can this be true and the 2/15/19 Stone filing exist?
Take notes.
Organize irrefutable facts.
Reject gaslighting.
This is not Russia. This is the MFing United States of America. We don’t play. 🇺🇸
Please unroll :)