A: Our current Medicare program is the best model. Although it needs to disentangle itself from private health insurers, eliminate "value-based" payment schemes, and institute global budgets for hospitals.
A: All residents of the U.S. would be covered for all medically necessary care.
A: Zero. Even minimal cost-sharing deters patients from seeking medical care.
A: Private health insurers would be prohibited from selling duplicative coverage. @VeteransHealth and @IHSgov would be preserved, while other public programs would be folded into #MedicareForAll.
A: Participation and eligibility would be similar to the current Medicare program. Hospitals and clinics would remain private, but would transition to nonprofit status.
A: Global budgets would be used to fund hospitals while private practices would bill based on a negotiated fee schedule. #MedicareForAll would establish a national drug formulary.
A: Cutting $500B of administrative waste, establishing global budgets for hospitals, using separate budgets for capital expenses, regional planning, and negotiating with #BigPharma.
A: Current public sources of health funding and progressive taxes, combined to equal current total national health spending. Private sources of health funding (premiums, copays, coinsurance) would be eliminated.