Thread👇🏻on how to 📈presence on Twitter land. Been compounding at 15.6% per month, meaning grew from 1k May'18 👉🏻11.5k😎

After trials & errors, advice is PICK A TOPIC & DON'T DEVIATE. Mine is econ & finance & since it's my job & I love it, plenty of content to share🤗
U need to follow people in ur field of interest that u want to be known for & RESPOND to their Tweets.
Let me save u the trouble. DO NOT BE MEAN ON TWITTER. Be nice. Say something smart. Witty & DO NOT SPAM UR PRECIOUS FOLLOWERS.
Visuals help
Also retweeting NEWS SUCKED. They follow me for take on econ not retweeting of news & so add my take
Reputation matters. Do not respond to negative comments. Do not veer from ur path ever.