No, that’s not on.
Incidentally just to address this comment, a nautical mile is longer than a land mile. You really don’t want to add further distance to this swim.. 4/

Charity doesn’t care about distance. 5/
That’s the same stuff used by both what you’d commonly call spies as well as brilliant people fighting back against #posttruth like @bellingcat 7/
Let’s roll. 9/
We can be much more precise than that. 10/

For a link to the video see here: facebook.com/Manatnejn/vide…
These photos give you the front view. 14/

We also know that the photo is from a relatively reliable source (plus we reverse searched the image using @google images: images.google.com) 18/

Time to identify the hotel and the breakwater. 22/

At 1.16pm, @lukedalli88’s Manatnejn page went live on facebook again with this video: m.facebook.com/story.php?stor…

Here it looks as though Michelle is swimming a mix of breastroke, doggy paddle with flipper kicks and a touch of drowning... 47/
Over to Google Maps using the last time / position (and ignoring Tanti’s tweet). 57/
So unless something changed dramatically it’s unlikely that she suddenly flew. 61/
And Manatnejn: m.facebook.com/story.php?stor…
Both with people on the same boat incidentally. 63/