Full text of my speech from today's Reject Brexit, Restore Democracy rally:
Together we have rallied, marched, demonstrated, and protested against Brexit for 3 years while parliament hit deadlock again and again. 1/

Boris & his bully boys have shown us their true colours. Just today we have seen reports of a potential Tory & Brexit Party alliance. That’s how desperate the PM is to shore up his own power. 2/
We the people have had enough.
In the last few weeks we have seen record numbers of people (particularly young people) registering to vote. 3/
These things tell us that we the people recognise that our democracy is precious, that we must protect and preserve it, that we must nurture it. 4/
It means being clear and consistent about what counts as acceptable behaviour from politicians and what doesn’t. 5/
Showing that dramatic things can happen when it suits those in power. 6/
In that time, not one single MP from across the parties has lost their job for abusing or harassing women - despite, in many cases, ample evidence. 7/
Since 2010 one in six refuges for women fleeing domestic violence have closed. 9/
Waiting lists at rape crisis centres mean that victims have to wait over a year for counselling. Rape conviction rates are at their lowest in 10 yrs. 11/
Violence is not inevitable, nor is Brexit, or the degradation of our democracy. But ending violence, stopping Brexit, and restoring democracy requires political will and collaboration. 14/
Seeing the opposition parties work collaboratively this week was a long overdue breath of fresh air amidst the turbulence and chaos. Long may it continue. 15/