These days International community talk about Max-Pressure on Iran, but for this impasse, which has prevented world peace progress, Iranians have a viable solution, summarized in #NCRI in d following options⤵️

Characteristics of d Alternative, we provide to make d world Safe & Secure
Sound organizational structure &proven sustainable organizational capabilities, inside #Iran &abroad, enabling it 2 act as d engine 4 change
@VP @francediplo_EN

2. Viable leadership
A sophisticated leadership capable of dealing with the ruling theocracy, while both appealing and able to unify the public. Laser-focused on #IranRegimeChange

An explicit platform representing d aspirations of d population &consistent with international norms 2 lead d country forward, with clear demarcations with the previous dictatorship as well as d current theocracy…

4. Diversity
Encompasses different political tendencies & promotes the rights of different ethnicities & religious minorities in #Iran Enjoys widespread popular support inside and outside Iran.
#WeSupportMEK #IStandWithMaryamRajavi
@ForeignOffice @DutchMFA @CanadaFP

5. Endurance
The willingness to endure hardship and risk to achieve the goal of liberating #Iran and a proven record to pay the price to advance the movement forward.
#WeSupportMEK for a #FreeIran
@SpainMFA @BelgiumMFA

6. Competence
Effectiveness in undermining the regime’s actions and positions and the ability to sustain a complex anti-government campaign
@USAdarFarsi @GermanyDiplo
#WeSupportMEK #IStandWithMaryamRajavi

7. Genuine rival 2 the regime
Taken seriously by d regime because if its extensive network inside Iran, which plays an active role in organizing protests, prompting d regime 2 constantly admit 2 d resistance’s role publicly&when dealing with its foreign interlocutors

8. International standing
Enjoying bipartisan international recognition and support, and able to marshal worldwide pressure against the regime and support for the Iranian people.
@JY_LeDrian @AuswaertigesAmt

U.S. & West must recognize Iranian resistance #MEK as the most complete solution led by Mrs. @Maryam_Rajavi
#FreeIran #WeSupportMEK #IStandWithMaryamRajavi
@realDonaldTrump @SecPompeo @USAdarfarsi