To all folks out there convinced that 20 Republicans cannot be found to turn against Trump, let me point out the following. There are three Republicans retiring from the senate who have the latitude to do the right thing. And, of course, there is Romney who almost>>
>>certainly will. Now, for the rest, there are 20 Republicans up for reelection in 2020 who are not retiring. Let's assume all of them would have a problem (although, frankly, a couple - like Susan Collins - may have more of a problem if they DON'T vote to remove Trump).>>
>>So that leaves 30 Republican Senators who are facing a different calculus - 22 of whom are up for reelection in 2022. They face two unknowns if they vote not to remove Trump: (a) whether he wins or loses in 2020, and (b) whether Republicans hold or lose the Senate then.>>
>>Were the class of 2022 Republican senators to vote against removal, and the Democrats go on to take the White House, the naysayers will be branded as complicit with Trump during the 2020 and 2022 cycles. If the Democrats lose the Senate, all the worse - as they will be>>
>>pariahs with no power for the coming two years of full Democratic control of government. Their alternative is obviously to bring in President Pence who, while he will still likely lose in 2020, will enable such senators to go into the 2022 cycle saying they stood up for>>
>>the nation as consummate patriots when the facts made it clear that Trump really was a grifter. Further, if poll data shows that without getting rid of its party's Voldemort-personified, the Senate will likely turn over, there's a big added incentive to toss Trump under>>
>>the bus. Given the passage of time until 2022, the threats they may face from the die hard Trumpists in their own states will have ample time to dissipate. So the backlash would be manageable and the upside pretty material. The same is true for the remaining 7 (ex-Romney)>
>>Republican senators up in 2024 - especially if any of them want to run for President then. And there is, of course, the off chance that Pence might pull it out in 2020 (doubtful as that would be). The strategy here is far more complex than meets the eye. And for no one>>
>>more that @senatemajldr McConnell. He is facing a serious challenge next year in Kentucky from the Democrats. And he will be rendered about as powerful as dog-catcher if the Republicans lose the senate even if he holds his seat. So #MoscowMitch has some thinking to do>>
>>himself. This is all assuming, of that the facts are as bad for Trump as they look to be today. But, if so, don't throw out the possibility of removal, not just impeachment.
@peterbakernyt @maggieNYT @paulkrugman
@DouthatNYT @NickKristof @DLeonhardt @nytdavidbrooks
Should be -
...If the Republicans go on to lose the Senate, all the worse...