by certain Religious groups,NGOs with Vested Interests who are trying their best to Sabotage Govt of India Developmental Projects for their illicit gains
They did the same in Kudankulam nuclear plant, konkan railway projkt
Max Retweet to know Truth

Why selective protest against, 'Metro Shed' only, while there is absolute silence on 'Film City'& 'Royal Palms' etc. #AareyExpose
Just think...

So why this HALLA GULLA over a small area which is given for construction of #MetroRailway3
Why is Catholic church up in arms against this project ?

why didn't it humbly reject land earmarked by BMC?
Did #Church start something SECRET in land which
@MumbaiMetro3 shed project would expose? What exactly they want to hide?

Link :…
Catholic church happily accepted land for making cemetery when BMC gave it to them... Then where was the concern for #SaveArrey 🤣🤣 sleeping... Or hiding ????
they immediately started protesting linking it to environment ..when BMC gave the same land to Mumbai Metro 3 Project for construction of Metro Bhavan in AAREY area…

The tweet above further reads,
Church targetted developmental projects like
Konkan Railway Projkt…)
Surprisingly the link is made inaccessible nw
The church also targetted
Indo Russian Nuclear Power Plant in Kudankulam
Source of Pics : @LegalLro

#Vanashakti NGO is under scanner for possibly receiving funds from foreign sources to sabotage @MumbaiMetro3, Mumbai activist moved complaint to MHA @AmitShah
to seek investigation of possible foreign funds it received n reasons behind its FCRA rejection

Source : @LegalLro…

#CatholicChurch Vs Metro3,
St Stanislaus School in Bandra sent a letter 2 parents thru students seeking their support in #SaveAareyForest campaign which is a Blatant violation of JJ Act 2015.
@LegalLro moved complaint at @NCPCR_ @KanoongoPriyank
to seek action!

@NCPCR @KanoongoPriyank @LabourMinistry , #CatholicChurch forced kids of #Church schools to take part in #SaveAarey

@mybmc schools by Christian groups for evangelization n illegal mobilization of school kids for political protests by
#CatholicChurch run schools lodged with education officer BMC Mr Mahesh Palkar #AareyAiKaNa

Whenever #CatholicChurch decides to sabotage Govt projects, it unleashes all weapons in its arsenal.
A normal woman who wrote supporting posts in favour of @MumbaiMetro3 was targetted by the NGO…
@mybmcschool by #Christian #Missionaries.
@LegalLro lodged complaint at Education officer BMC, Education Secy Maharashtra and Commissioner/ Addl Commnr BMC urging them to stop misuse of Municipal Schools.

@NCPCR_ ordered Dy Director of school education of Maharastra to inquire n submit report to commission regarding Church run schools forcing kids in #SaveAarey protests.
#SaveAareyForest is basically a Christian movement as per @LegalLro


Mumbai @mybmc schools n students have became Cannon fodder for #Christian evangelists n #CatholicChurch's covert political campaign

@NCPCR_ takes cognizance after @LegalLro filed complaint…
Shady Side Of Green: Can’t drive agenda with them:
says Arundhati Chavan
Link :…

When @LegalLro askd abt foreign donation options w/o FCRA then @ThePrintIndia dint question Vansakti NGO
Let @AmitShah probe on complaint of @LegalLro
will @ThePrintIndia post its findings?

@NCPCR_ @KanoongoPriyank…
Blackmailing by #CatholicChurch 2 force innocent Mumbaikars 2 support #SaveAarey!
So called ENVIRONMENTALIST retweeted this tweet👇See language used in it!
#Christians gives u everything; education n health facility; then how dare U to blame #Church?

but court defeated your puppets!
Kudos to all Mumbaikars who raised their voice against enemies of Mumbai n India!

The above Thread of tweets are just copy of Tweets posted by @LegalLro on its Twitter account.
This Thread is just made to help people find them
Entire Tweets can be found in @LegalLro if u scroll down in their id
A new false propoganda by #Savearrey activists is in the air that 15 days notice is required after tree authority order getting uploaded on website. This is absolutely baseless. Tree Authority order is issued on 13th Sept 19.
15 days r over on 28th Sept.
@LegalLro watch

Myths & Facts explained by #MMRCL to bust all fake propaganda by so called Activists who are trying to stop construction of @MumbaiMetro3

➡ Aarey 'Milk' Colony is spread over ~1,280 hectares out of which 33 hectares has been planned for Mumbai Metro 3 car shed, this is approximately 2.5 percent.

➡ 2,238 trees came to be identified as the one which are required to be cut and 464 trees were identified as the one's to be transplanted.
@LegalLro gets ready to call for SIT probe into Role of Catholic Church in sabotaging Govt of India projects
@LegalLro watch this...
Now Forest Dept must file a case against Film city to take back the 51 acres of land
@ashokepandit any reaction…
for the Article exposing Church Backed NGOs role in this #SaveArey expose…
CC : @LegalLro @lawinforce