1. We constantly reduce and destroy their habitat - the grasslands.
2. We sprayed our fields with pesticides
3. We’ve trapped them in a network of power lines.
A Great Indian Bustard Stronghold. (Refer to the map from previous tweet but I know ya’ll are lazy so its attached here.)
The Thar desert:
Also the ideal place for generation of electricity from Wind Power.

In such critically low populations, 1 unnatural death can result in an extinction over 3 generations!
Here’s a @SteadmanArt piece from his Nextinction series featuring the Great Indian Bustard.

The Bustard’s habitat has been lost to roads, highways, mining, canals, as well as #greenwashing projects that transform arid grasslands to wooded areas, making them hostile to the Great Indian Bustard
1. Power lines need to buried underground
2. Renewable energy needs to be decentralised - harnessed via mini grids.
A true sign of care would be state refusal to go ahead with developmental projects that threaten Bustard habitat. We need THIS.
Amongst other threats - we are pushing for the Power Ministry of India to take notice and place these power transmission lines underground.
We need YOU.
Sign this petition. Unless you take notice, @MinOfPower + @mnreindia in India doesnt take notice.
Help them see it.

Head over to @SanctuaryAsia to know about the URGENT COMMUNICATIONS the @moefcc Ministry of Environment Secretary sent to the Power Ministry @MinOfPower
You signed the petition. Now the govt’s taken notice.

1. Save this poster
2. Tweet this with tags to @MinOfPower Power Minister @RajKSinghIndia asking him to make a PUBLIC commitment to help the CRITICALLY ENDANGERED Great Indian Bustard