@snb19692 never one to why away from the cameras...
@CatherineWest1, MP for Hornsey & Wood Green.
She's talking about the importance of getting people registered to vote. The most disadvantaged are often the most likely to not be in the register.
#Rally4OurRights #PeoplesVote
Shame it is so noisy even driving slowly that it formed out the speakers...
#Rally4OurRights #StopBrexit
@pimlicat from @BestForBritain is giving a cracking speech.
Lots of people here still, undeterred by the inclement weather.
Thanks to all the individuals and groups who helped organise @Rally4OurRights.
It was very different to many of the other events, but that was always the intention.
The focus was on just one aspect of Brexit, but it's a very important one.
It's easy to be a social media warrior sat at home with a cup of tea when the weather gets bad.
We are not just summer soldiers or sunshine patriots.