For once, Charlie Angus has this right, finally aiming his ire at the party ripping this nation apart, over demands to provide unfettered support for the FF industry.…
Klein was an ideologue, but he wasn’t bound to Christian dogma. He didn’t risk the ruin of Alberta & division of the nation to achieve his objectives like Kenney.
This was the strategy all along. Divide and rule.
In full form, Kenney the self appointed regent demagogue, lays out the strategy at a Manning Centre hosted event in Dominionist Christian stronghold, Red Deer, Alberta.…
This is the long game plan. There is no denying this is a long game conspiracy. It’s a conspiracy that’s been in writing for almost 2 decades.
It’s always been a Dominionist Christian led plan to hijack democracy.

Who put Trump in the White House? Dominionist Christians.
Who put Kenney and Ford in power? Dominionist Christians.
Who tried desperately, with foreign influence and a full fledged global smear campaign, to install Scheer as PM, a dual citizenship candidate espousing Dominionist Christian ideals? Yep, Dominionist Christians!
Why? Because they have nothing to lose and everything to gain.
The US is in impeachment proceedings. The removal of Trump & Pence is imminent. Both are heavily implicated in extortion of Ukraine.
A global conspiracy of an international criminal syndicate of Iron Triangles behind all autocratic governments being installed in social democracies worldwide.
Currently coordinated by the International Democratic Union (IDU).…

As evidenced by this article.…
Both have made every effort to undermine Canadian democracy.…