Not scheduled for any hearings? SB 183 (backgrnd chks) or 184 (red flag) - both bipartisan and supported by Ohioans.
When folks demanded the OH Leg #DoSomething, it wasn’t to intro SYG
☎️ Cinci folks: call your state Sen. Johnson (614) 466-8082
☎️ Everyone else: call Cmtee Chair Sen. Coley to ask where the hearings are on SB 183, 184 -these bills will save lives, have bipartisan support, and are supported overwhelmingly by Ohioans (614)466-8072
SYG laws are quite the opposite. The reintro of this bill (as the others stall) is exactly why we need #FairMaps - our state leg isn’t moving bills voters want.
Universal background checks and red flag laws decrease gun violence &have wide support in OH - they should be our focus
We need common sense gun reform. We need #FairMaps.