Follow along with #SBDebate

“All general elections are significant but some elections are more significant than others.”

#SBDebate #GE2019
“Manifestos may change but one thing we stand firm on is asking what the parties will do for small businesses and making sure your views are represented”
#SBdebate #GE2019

@Conservatives 36%
@UKLabour 21%
@LibDems 38%
@TheGreenParty 2%
@brexitparty_uk 2%
#SBDebate #GE2019

@trussliz from @Conservatives
@Bill_Esterson from @UKLabour
@EdwardJDavey from @LibDems
@Amelia_Womack from @TheGreenParty
@hbirchwood1 from @brexitparty_uk
Chaired by @DanielThomasLDN
#SBDebate #GE2019

#SBdebate #GE2019
#SBdebate #GE2019 #loancharge

#SBDebate #GE2019

#SBdebate #GE2019

@Conservatives 24% (36% pre debate)
@UKLabour 11% (21% pre debate)
@LibDems 54% (38% pre debate)
@TheGreenParty 7% (2% pre debate)
@brexitparty_uk 4% (2% pre debate)
#SBDebate #GE2019