Me? I spent the better part of 6hrs at Milimani. Review of Ruling (Pet 59) documents are 🔥🔥
Next mention: 3 March, 2020 (those wheels of Justice. . )

Story after story. . . Nikajam.
We were finally directed to the very efficient Deputy Registrar (@dkmaraga
- pls note).
We now have the notes.
Wapi decree?

A joinder application MUST be heard.
Justice Okwany was to give further direction on 15 Nov.

Really? On 8 Nov, he said they weren't ready.
I was in court & saw how Mr. Oraro disregarded Mr. Macharia (Gitson).
The matter "ended".

Again, where is the order decree of 15 Nov, 2018?
Recall that he stopped speaking with his campaigners (akina me) & his THEN CLIENT, Mr. James Gitau & Gitson Energy?

He also contradicted Mr. Ouma.

- Mboya set out to dupe the public on Pet 59 as he did Pet 6 for his selfish gains.
- hearing of joinder application never took place.
- court records show that Gitson was apparently enjoined but the decree is MIA. (@dkmaraga)

This is why when Justice Makau ruled against us, we filed a "Request for Review of Ruling".

The next mention for compliance is 3 March, 2020.
The wheels of justice are turning slowly but we are in it for the long haul.
Power to the people!