The Guardian is desperately trying to make us believe that it our response to this atrocity that is the problem:
He has human rights, you see - human rights that were invented by the Christian European culture that Usman and his ‘Brothers’ so despise.
I’m guessing his kids don’t go to school with those of people like Usman.
I’m guessing he doesn’t have to worry about their ‘white whore’ daughters being around men like Usman.
That this didn’t work won’t surprise anyone who understands that the problem is not radicalisation but Islamisation.
He was actually attending a rehabilitation conference on the day he went on his murderous rampage.
I was raised amongst international aid workers. They all had this pathology.
A pathology that sees them prioritise those who harm and murder their children.
We are a species that is supposed to protect our young, defend our nests, patrol our territory.
I’ll tell him to his face that his weak and irresponsible collaboration with this nonsense has helped create the conditions for his death.
‘Over-representation’ is a concept straight out of Cultural Marxism.
It is as meaningless as the concept of ‘Islamophobia’.
It doesn’t look at why it’s Muslim and Caribbean men who are ‘over-represented’ and question what it might be about these men’s cultures and backgrounds that lead them to crime.
It just looks at the oppressors hate - hate being defined as any criticism of any minority behaviour or ideology whatsoever.
It unleashes the Inquisition on heretics.
Seeing the police not hesitate to shoot Usman dead was a sight for sore eyes.
Former Navy Seal Commander @jockowillink puts it more bluntly:
“There is evil. The way you get rid of people like that is you kill them. You hunt them down + you kill them.”
Do challenge the quisling rhetoric of the political class.
Hold the line and stay angry.