Church history & Scripture show that we need to recognize the times in which we live.
The Gospel message is the same but all of us should be ready for what is ahead. The networks that our Special Forces utilize are a better model for the Body of Christ than the institution most of us visualize...
The forces of Anti-Christ are using fake news, deception & political-religious structures to deceive the nations.
All governments are rooted in authority & power. The power that undergirds the Kingdom of Heaven is the power of love. Not the kind of love lacking force.
Juridicial differs from judicial. The adjective juridicial (also spelled juridical) means “relating to the administration of the law.”
The point is that if God does not operate by Law, there was no need to demonstrate His Love by suffering His Son to be subjected to violence. Christ’s death in the Cross changed everything.
The networks referenced above are not just person to person. There are whole nations being discipled.
I would also include the Philippines in this list and there are others. We aren’t saying any of these nations are perfect. The issue is remaining free of global Anti-Christ deception.
Britain is moving in the right direction with leadership committed to British sovereignty. A nation cannot protect any freedoms without a free & sovereign governmental system.
And make no mistake about it. The Ecclesia is “political” and it is about taking Dominion under Constitutional checks & balances.
That is why Trump was reviled as much by Republican leaders as by Democrats.
But Trump is not our Messiah. He simply represents U.S. sovereignty!