This video is a compilation of the ridiculous remarks & lies aired by certain DC politicians & MSM about #Iran & the killing of Qassem Soleimani.
Please watch to the end of this 1:51 video & you’ll realize that #IraniansDetestSoleimani.
Now let’s see a few examples from mainstream media.
The @nytimes described Soleimani as a
- “popular general”
- “national war hero”
- “Iran’s intrigue”

@ForeignPolicy described Soliemani as a “patriotic moderate” and claims his killing “Has United Iranians Like Never Before.”
Iran apologists/lobbyists claim “large crowds” turned out for Soleimani’s funeral.
The thread below debunks their claims.

“Amnesty International’s research reveals that war crimes and other gross human rights violations were committed by predominantly Sh’ia militias…”
Final thoughts:
The next time certain DC politicians, “Iran experts” or MSM glorify Soleimani in any way, debunk them with the truth.
Quick question for certain DC politicians & MSM:
If Iranians consider Soleimani a "national war hero", "popular general" or whatever else you falsely describe him as, why are they tearing apart his images?
Image: @IranNW