Following today's decision by France, Germany & the UK to trigger the 2015 Iran nuclear deal (JCPOA) dispute mechanism, it is important to take a look back at #Iran's numerous JCPOA violations.
If any party to the deal believes Iran has violated the agreement, they can trigger a dispute resolution process that could, within as few as 65 days, end at the UN Security Council with a so-called snapback of UN sanctions on Iran.
The Iranians have produced excess heavy water, illegally, at least twice, which they sold for profit.
As a senior regime official acknowledged, Iran did not dismantle the core of the plutonium reactor at Arak, as required by the deal.
German intelligence has reported that in 2015 and 2016, when the U.S. was still part of the JCPOA, Iran attempted more than one hundred times to obtain illicit nuclear technology, which may be in violation of the deal.
The Iranians have exceeded the limits on advanced centrifuge research and development, by assembling more than a half dozen IR-8 rotor assemblies and operating 13-15 IR-6 centrifuges in a single cascade.
In 2015, Tehran violated the deal by refusing to fully cooperate with the IAEA investigating the Possible Military Dimensions of the nuclear program.
In 2018, Israel exposed much of what the Iranians had been hiding from the IAEA.
IAEA inspectors — and the West itself — are severely limited in their ability to monitor Iranian compliance with the deal.
Iran opposition NCRI (@iran_policy) has a history of nuclear revelations.
“Rafsanjani has acknowledged that from the onset there has been a comprehensive clandestine nuclear plan, including construction of secret sites, enrichment of uranium...”
Nov 2003:
The special role of the IRGC in the nuclear projects clearly showed the military goals and aspects of this project.
April 2004:
NCRI revealed Iran had dedicated 400 nuclear experts to military industries
“By 2003, the IRGC had up to 400 nuclear experts & scientists who were primarily transferred from the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran to the Defense Ministry.”
Iran also pursues a plutonium nuclear bomb.
Sep 2004:
NCRI revealed Tehran allocating $16bn to nuclear technology, purchasing & smuggling deuterium from Russia, as well as details on front companies.
Feb 2005:
A project aimed at producing plutonium-210 and beryllium for nuclear bomb fuses.
March 2005:
Secret nuclear center in the Parchin tunnel focused on laser enrichment.

May 2005:
Production/importing graphite necessary for nuclear bomb production.
July 2005:
Importing/production of Maraging steel to build the bomb fuselage and using it in centrifuge systems.

Aug 2005
Production of 4,000 ready-to-install centrifuges.
Meeting between Abdul Qadeer Khan IRGC commanders – Tehran; 1986 & 1987

Sep 2005
Plans to smuggle tritium from South Korea to increase nuclear explosion power.
Nov 2005
Iran building nuclear capable missiles in underground secret tunnels
Dec 2005
Construction of an underground site near Qom (Fordow).
Obama sought to take credit in 2009

Jan 2006
Importing industrial press machines to shape enriched uranium in a bomb
Aug 2006
Production of P2 centrifuges
Sep 2006
Reactivation of laser enrichment projects

Feb 2007
Details of 7 nuclear front companies related to the nuclear fuel cycle
Sep 2007
Secret tunnel under construction by Defense Ministry, south of Natanz
Feb 2008
Nuclear warhead construction in Khojeir & Mojdeh nuclear weapons command center

March 2009
Beheshti University as a nuclear research center related to commanding
weapons production in Mojdeh
Sep 2009
Revealing Center of Explosion and Impact Technology (METFAZ) & changes
in the nuclear command center
Feb 2011:
“Abbasi Davani’s appointment clearly shows that the clerical regime intends to intensify efforts to use the resources and personnel of IAEO in its drive to acquire nuclear weapons.”

April 2011
A covert site located near Tehran, named TABA, involved in centrifuge parts production.
July 2011
SPND nuclear bomb command center chaired by Mohsen Fakhrizadeh
Jan 2012
100 names of nuclear experts involved in bomb production

October 2013:
Iran transferred a research center leading its alleged attempt to develop nuclear weapons to a new location in order to deceive the international community.
Nov 2013:
“The new site is inside a 1,800-foot tunnel complex beneath mountains six miles from the town of Mobarekeh, adjacent to a highway and within the Haft-e Tir military industrial complex.”

Feb 2015:
“Details of an underground top-secret site currently used by the Iranian regime for research and development with advanced centrifuges for uranium enrichment.”

August 2015:
“Parchin has been one of the principal sites for the organ responsible for manufacturing the nuclear weapon that was previously dubbed ‘Center for Development of Advanced Defense Technology.’”
August 2015:
AP report on “Separate arrangement II" agreed by Iran’s regime & the IAEA clearly indicates Tehran is acutely fearful of revelations concerning its clandestine activities in Parchin aimed at acquisition of the nuclear bomb.
April 2017:
Following the Iranian Resistance revelations on April 21 over the regime fully maintaining the nuclear bomb designing structure & expanding its activities, the highest regime officials tried to patch up this disclosure and its int’l impact.

Congressman Brad Sherman told a House Foreign Affairs Committee Hearing "We all owe a debt of gratitude to the MEK for bringing this information to the world, and causing the United States and the world to focus on the problem."

Reminder about JCPOA money
Jan 2016:
“Secretary of State John Kerry acknowledged to CNBC Thursday that some of the money Iran received in sanctions relief would go to groups considered terrorists.”
Obama appeased Iran’s regime fully to obtain the unbelievably idiotic 2015 nuclear deal known as the JCPOA.
As an Iranian, I utterly loath the Obama presidency.