-We surpassed two unprecedented weeks.
-The days when we witnessed marches for Soleimani’s ceremony & the IRGC launching missiles against the U.S. were “days of God.”
-We slapped America in the face!

-The Iranian people are a thankful nation of patience.
-"Zionist media," Trump & Pompeo described Soleimani as a terrorist; Soleimani is a martyr.
-Soleimani, the strongest commander against terrorism across the region, was assassinated in cowardly fashion.
-U.S. acknowledged they're terrorists.
-He praised the IRGC's reaction by launching missiles against the U.S.
-This attack was a blow to America's pride.
-"IRGC Quds Force should be viewed as a humane entity. Of course, all our armed forces seek divine objectives."
-"IRGC Quds Force are fighters without borders. They will be present wherever need be... Quds Force helps other nations to distance war & terror from our own soil... They provide security for our nation... They help Palestine, Gaza & other areas where needed..."
-"Iran's nation has shown they're not willing to back down. They're a nation of resistance."
-He described U.S. officials who say they stand alongside the Iranian people as "clowns," saying "You lie!" and "You can't do a damn thing!"

-Some are taking advantage of the Ukraine airliner incident to cloak the memory of "martyrs Soleimani & Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis," referring to an Iraqi militia leader with close ties to Tehran.
-"Our enemy was happy about the [Ukraine] plane crash."
-France, Germany & UK are threatening to take Iran's nuclear dossier to the UN Security Council; they are "sinister states."
-They are US' puppets.
-Our nation must be strong.
-We are not against negotiations, but not with the US.
-Our economy should not depend on oil.