Before #Brexit we had
1. "journalists" who would ask
2. "politicians"
3. "questions" about their
4. "ideas".
What should they have asked? #FBPE
Sajid does an economy doo doo…
Mr Javid,
#Frictionlesstrade is a core promise of #Brexit.
Would you dictate that remaining in the Single Market is the wish of the British People?
So how did you arbitrarily dictate that frictionless trade ISN'T a condition of their agreement for us to #Brexit?
You've said that some industries will benefit while some will suffer. It's a simple question, but one quite important for a $2.6T economy
Yes, who benefits, who suffers? You must know, right? To make that statement?
Famously you're the chief financial officer of the UK who said the economic case was self-evident for #Brexit.
In this case, you seem confident this is good for us. Presumably you *HAVE* run a spreadsheet for this latest change?
So on balance, how much better off are we?
The industries which benefit - are they by any chance the ones where we would need to capitulate to secure a US Trade deal?
I understand, so why not just say that transparently and openly?
Oh, you can't. I wonder why?
Maybe everyone would see it's unbalanced?
Finally, communist economies can adjust themselves through diktat.
Yours cannot.
So I'm confused
1. So determined to get the US deal you'll screw the UK?
2. Are you naive about business?
3. You want to make Jeremy Corbyn look like the better capitalist?
A functional democracy needs
1. Government - execute wishes of
2. Parliament, representing the people
3. Courts applying the law
4. Held accountable by a free press.
When you no longer have 4. You get the mess above.
#unfreepress ⏬