She was previously director of Counter Culture, a communications agency (specializing in behavioural change & #storytelling) she founded w/ communications specialist/ Callum Grieve.

Grieve was the 3rd person to respond to the very first "lonely girl" tweet.

Grieve serves on the advisory boards of M2020 (Figueres) & the #WEF Arctic Basecamp.

Champagne is pouring. Pensions are unlocking. Climate is changing. Biodiversity is dying. You have been played.
Grieve - & Greta:

Featuring: Greta #Thunberg, Callum Grieve, This is Zero Hour, Greenpeace, UNFCCC, Ingmar Rentzhog. (CEO of We Don't Have Time, partner of Al Gore's Climate Reality Project) & The Climate Group.…

Did you know: Al Gore, co-founder of Generation Investment w/ David Blood (#GoldmanSachs) serves as a member of the Board of Trustees, World Economic Forum - and - is at the helm of the monetization of nature via #NewDealForNature & #VoiceForThePlanet?

Jan 11 2019, GT: "The rest that is shared on FB is reposted from Twitter & Instagram by the guy who founded the Greta Thunberg FB page long before I knew it existed."
Page created on Dec 7 2018.…
