#2020SuperYear: "We're working to secure an ambitious #NewDealForNature and People in the year 2020."
2017: 1 #WWF retweet on Dec 18
Created/managed by Bernadette Fischler Hooper - works at WWF-UK as Head of Advocacy – Our Planet / 2020 Project.

"Happy 2020. It's going to be a big year"
"Will our government and business leaders act on the triple emergency of climate, nature and poverty, or will business as usual win?...
Let's test them-because there is no path of destruction up to this point. Ignore reality
Asking the citizenry to "give them another chance" is grotesque - but it's also why they are funded
The anthropocentric/Eurocentric lie that never dies. We are certainly not in control - and we never were. This lack of understanding & respect for nature has literally cost us the Earth.
"Now, millions of people are marching in climate strikes to demand that their leaders and the powerful change their direction. Expect more in 2020 because this is not going away.
It’s everyone’s business, especially business"
public opinion & consumer expectations of brands."
#NewDealForNature #NatureForSale
"Having begun as a way to boost global business growth w/ exclusive winter business bashes in Davos, the World Economic Forum now routinely reports that the main risks facing business & society are inaction on climate change..."
"HUMAN life is on the line..."
Man & his arrogance.
"Let’s make 2020 the start of a decade of action to make life on earth safer & more secure for everyone, not just the wealthy & powerful. This is the time of our lives."
The #NewDealForNature campaign is heavy in its importance of #Indigenous Peoples rhetoric - count how many they follow.
#WWF, United Nations #Biodiversity & media; Grist & Huff Post

The B Team, We Mean Business, Christiana Figueres, Paul Polman, #WWF accounts
#NewDealForNature is the #CorporateTheftofNature
#EmergingMarkets to #SaveCapitalism

IEA & We Mean Business co-founders.
#NewDealForNature is supported by all those who betray nature.

#WWF, IPBES, UN #Biodiversity. Natural Capital Project, etc.
More "green collar executives".

Question: Did you spot the #Indigenous Peoples they admire & tell us we must listen to?
Did you spot the independent groups from the Global South?

The very organization responsible for displacements, torture, rapes, murders of Indigenous Peoples - are now at the helm of monetizing/privatizing nature, global in scale.
Follow @StephenCorrySvl to learn the truth about the WWF.

#2020SuperYear is to be the super year for the very corporations destroying the biosphere. WWF - aiding and abetting the corporate capture of nature, global in scale.

One may be surprised that the baton was handed to FoE in the final remaining lap to monetize the commons.
Don't be. #FoE has held representation on the board of #Ceres as far back as 2001 (Ceres a co-founder of We Mean Business).

The #racism that hums quietly beneath the "movement", normalizes the very things that should be glaring & obvious.

Money can buy you nature.
Green is the colour of money.