#SavingCapitalism with
Let's start here, with this misleading article shared by the GT account.

"The theme of this year’s gathering in #Davos is “#stakeholders for a cohesive and sustainable world”. According to the forum’s website, leaders will meet to discuss ideas and improve our global progress on climate change."
"Focus of the meeting will be on renewing the concept of stakeholder #capitalism to overcome income inequality, societal division and the #climate crisis."
This #WEF release is new (Jan 14 2020) - but the focus & theme is not.

"It will bring together 3,000 participants from around the world, and aim to give concrete meaning to "stakeholder #capitalism", ...
'People are revolting against the economic 'elites' they believe have betrayed them.'"

#StakeholderCapitalism |

The exploitation by WEF of this #Indigenous youth - Autumn Peltier, #Wikwemikong First Nation, Ontario, is going to break many hearts in #Canada.
Using Indigenous youth to save the very economic system destroying their peoples is beyond the pale.

"Money can be you nature" (Peter Kareiva)
It can also buy you activism, & even "movements".

"Sharan Burrow (B Team); Micah White, Co-Creator, #Occupy Wall Street; Kenneth Roth, #HumanRightsWatch; Jennifer Morgan, #Greenpeace International; David Miliband, President, Int. Rescue Committee..."

Global Shapers:|
This year, under the theme "redefining #capitalism", the documentary film Das Forum will be featured.


#CelebrityFetish serves #Capital

A 100 Trillion Dollar Storytelling Campaign [A Short Story]
WEF is at the helm of this sinking ship.
An Object Lesson In #Spectacle:
"Above all, we need to forge a #NewDealforNature and People..."
This is the #monetization of #nature.

This is the biggest transformation to our global economic financial system in modern history. All nature will be assigned a monetary value to be bought/sold/traded/offset.

The main institutions behind the creation of these campaigns are WEF, WWF (gross violator of #Indigenous rights) & UN.

Background on #2020SuperYear (#WWF partnered with Friends of the Earth) - thread:
World Bank & the luxury group Kering (B Team) are also excited:

With "friends" like this, who needs enemies?

"We will bring an aggregated business voice to the negotiations, calling on governments to adopt a new deal for nature..."

More here: The Manufacturing of Greta Thunberg – for Consent: Natural Climate Manipulations [Volume II, Act VI]

This is not a movement. This is the largest PR campaign ever created & carried out against the populace.

No real activist or person of integrity would ever engage with the grotesque World Economic Forum.