No response from Sup Yee so far.
That concludes the President's report.
Mark: good suggestion. If your member org has a good website, please help out.
Apparently Forest Hill doesn't pay dues to WOTPCC because that org provides the space for meetings: Forest Hill Clubhouse.
Mark: orgs which don't pay by June lose their votes.
Advice from pub health officials: don't touch your face. Avoid sick ppl.
George: yes. Incubation period is two weeks.
Q: why is China sending people to SF?
Another audience member says it's changed today. They're going to Anchorage, then Ontario.
Steve: it's not known how Mayor Breed feels about it.
George Wooding: any models for congestion pricing?
Steve: London has it. Seattle/LA/NY studying it.
Steve: I brought that up. They said they're considering it in their planning. Data collection for car-free Market St has been completed.
Steve: I told them that this would be a huge logistical challenge. If they're going to do it, they'd be wise to make sure the governor is on board. Otherwise it's pointless.
[I think all the cars are getting in the way of the public transit, but that's just me.]
Steve: some people would love to rope off all of SF. [A few people laugh.]
Steve: my guess is that the current timeline for the project is going to slide. Many issues are popping up.
Sounds like a real hardship for Forest Hill.
Me hearing this news:
Someone from Greater West Portal Neighborhood Association: demolition rules might save single-family neighborhoods.
1. Affirmatively further fair housing laws
2. Achieve standard of public transit
3. Zone for more homes
On or after July 2021, local govts can submit those plans for approval.
George Wooding: does this affect deeds of trust?
Mark: we're trying to get a definitive answer to that.
Mark: yeah
Questioner: so you could just do four units wherever you want
Mark: they say money from property development will fund services
VP: if it's a big house it's possible
Mark: we see serial permitters all the time. It will open the door.
VP: SF Board of Realtors (I'm on legislative relations committee) has never weighed in on judges. But quality of life is now an issue and we interviewed the candidates. There are stark differences
GWPNA makes motion to pay to sponsor the event. Seconded. No opposition. Passed.
GWPNA: it's not like he's gonna be busy prosecuting somebody. [Audience laughter.]
An audience member is asking about an email they got with a list of of email addresses.
Mark: I think that was a Google Calendar invite a member created for themselves with everyone's email attached.