Recording shows #Iran knew immediately it had shot down plane: Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelenskiy
The leaked audio “proves that the Iranian side knew from the start that our plane had been hit by a missile,” Zelenskiy said.
On the recording, played on a Ukrainian television station late on Sunday, the pilot of another plane can be heard saying he saw “the light of a missile” in the sky before Ukrainian International Airways flight 752 crashed in an explosion.
“Tehran blamed the Ukrainian authorities for leaking what it described as confidential evidence and said it would no longer share material with Ukraine from the investigation into the crash.”
This further shows Iran’s regime desperately attempting to cloak the truth.
“This action by the Ukrainians led to us not sharing any more evidence with them,” the official, Hassan Rezaifar said, according to the semi-official Mehr news agency.
Rezaifar had literally demanded Ukraine compensate for the damages caused.
“He says that ‘it seems to me that a missile is flying’, he says it in both Persian and English, everything is fixed there,” Ukrainian President Zelenskiy said.
Ukraine International Airways said in a statement the recording provided “yet more proof that the UIA airplane was shot down with a missile, and there were no restrictions or warnings from dispatchers of any risk to flights of civilian aircraft in the vicinity of the airport.”
There are many questions left unanswered by Iran:
-Why did they allow civilian flights to take off after launching ballistic missiles targeting military bases in Iraq where U.S. troops were stationed?
-Why did Iran’s regime shoot down the plane?
-Why was a second missile launched?
-Why did officials lie for three days?
-Why doesn’t Iran hand over the black boxes?
Iran's Revolutionary Guards (IRGC) shot down Ukraine Int'l Airlines flight PS752.
And there was no "human error" involved.
My blog explains.
Iran's airports are under the supervision of its government, meaning President Hassan Rouhani was fully informed of this tragedy.
@farnazfassihi, a known Iran apologist, published an NYT piece portraying a very innocent image of Rouhani.

More from Fassihi:
"The new details also demonstrate the outsize power of the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps, which effectively sidelined the elected government..."
And she conveniently downsizes the tragedy as a mere "miscalculation"...

Image 1 - Fassihi's main objective is acquit Rouhani
Image 2 - Fassihi is also very active in running Iran's talking points.
Image 3 - More praising of Rouhani.
Image 4 - Further innocence of Rouhani.

Image 1 - Fassihi portraying Rouhani as a "champion of truth."
Image 2 - More of Rouhani's innocence & acting as a role model.
Image 3 - The claim of Rouhani only finding out "a few hours ago" is a complete lie, especially with the recent revelation of the recording.

And the @nytimes constantly provided cover-up support for Iran's regime through this entire process.
"consequence of the heightened tensions"

And let's not forget @CNN's @camanpour who also pitched in to help Iran's regime in its desperately needed phase of damage control.
Notice how she blames the US & portrays a very innocent image of Iran's regime.
Of course, we shouldn't be surprised about Amanpour...

@amanpour is also very active in providing airtime to Iranian regime officials - so-called reformists - to push their talking points.
Business Insider also jumped on the #FakeNews bandwagon:
"According to a new NYT report, Iran knew that it had accidentally fired on the aircraft immediately – but the country’s IRGC hid the truth for days, even from Iran’s president Hassan Rouhani."
Final thoughts:
"The disclosure of the audio makes it clear that the control tower, and by extension the regime’s Civil Aviation Organization (CAO), had been immediately informed of the shooting down of the Ukrainian passenger jet."
"The CAO is an agency of the Ministry of Roads and Urban Development. There is no doubt that Hassan Rouhani was notified of the cause of the crash through government channels. But he waited 72 hours before admitting this horrific crime."